2014 Vol. 98 No. 1

22 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ юћѢюџѦȱ2014 PSP SHOWCASE Announcing Two New Preferred Service Providers The Indiana Bankers Association is pleased to announce two new additions to our Preferred Ž›Ÿ’ŒŽȱ ›˜Ÿ’Ž›ȱ˜ěŽ›’—œǯȱ ‘Žȱ IBA periodically awards the PSP designation to select service ™›˜Ÿ’Ž›œȱ‘ŠȱꕕȱŠȱ‹Š—”Ž›ȱ—ŽŽȱŠ—ȱ which have undergone a thorough due diligence process, provide ŸŠ•žŽȬŠŽȱ‹Ž—Žęœȱ˜ȱ ȱ–Ž–‹Ž›œȱ and assist the IBA in the diversity ˜ȱ’œȱ›ŽŸŽ—žŽȱœ›ŽŠ–ǯȱ ‘ŽœŽȱꛖœȱ represent viable options in their areas of expertise, and the IBA encourages member banks to consider these Œ˜–™Š—’Žœȱ ‘Ž—ȱœŽŽ”’—ȱœ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ solutions. $SSURYDO 3D\PHQW 6ROXWLRQV ,QF. Approval Payment Solutions Inc. (APS), based in Boonville, is a longtime IBA associate member. A fullservice provider of merchant card processing services, the company ˜ěŽ›œȱŠ—ȱŠ••Ȭ’—Œ•žœ’ŸŽȱœ˜•ž’˜—ȱ˜›ȱ business payment processing needs. The APS menu of electronic payment solutions enables commercial and merchant customers to provide payment acceptance solutions to a wide range of businesses. The IBA-negotiated APS program ˜ěŽ›œȱŠȱ›Ž–Ž—˜žœȱ’—Œ˜–Žȱ opportunity that requires no ’—ŸŽœ–Ž—ȱ˜›ȱŠ’’˜—Š•ȱ‹Š—”ȱœŠěǯȱ This unique program is tailored to every member’s needs, while ˜ěŽ›’—ȱ›Š’—’—ǰȱœŠ•ŽœȱŠ—ȱ–Š›”Ž’—ȱ support —with no additional liability incurred by the bank. APS personnel will meet with your bank management to determine the ꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱ˜Š•œȱŽ¡™ŽŒŽȱ›˜–ȱ‘Žȱ program and will work diligently ’‘ȱ¢˜ž›ȱœŠěȱ˜ȱ–ŽŽȱ‘˜œŽȱ expectations. The fact that APS holds 100 percent of the program liability allows members to strengthen their deposit relationships and grow their portfolios. APS allows merchants to safely Š—ȱŽĜŒ’Ž—•¢ȱŠŒŒŽ™ȱŒ›Ž’ȱŠ—ȱŽ‹’ȱ cards, EBT, gift cards, fuel cards and checks. APS also provides stored value cards and Internet payment ™›˜ŒŽœœ’—ȱ˜›ȱŠ••ȱ¢™Žœȱ˜ȱꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱ transactions. Financial institutions Š—ȱ–Ž›Œ‘Š—œȱ‹˜‘ȱꗍȱ ȱ applicable to their respective needs in the payment processing arena. If you are currently working with a merchant processor, take a moment to evaluate service, support and ‹˜Ĵ˜–ȱ•’—Žȱ›Žœž•œǯȱ ‘Ž—ȱ›ŽŠŒ‘ȱ˜žȱ˜ȱ APS to achieve greater success. &RQWLQXLW\ &RQWURO ˜—’—ž’¢ȱ ˜—›˜•ȱ˜ěŽ›œȱ‘Žȱ compliance solution to member banks that IBA has long been œŽŽ”’—ǯȱ ž›ȱ˜Š•ȱ Šœȱ˜ȱꗍȱŠȱ solution that would review a bank’s policies and systems, provide a ȃ˜ȱ˜Ȅȱ›Ž™˜›ǰȱŠ—ȱ‘Ž—ȱ˜ěŽ›ȱ‘Žȱ critical next step of assisting the bank through the necessary changes and act as an ongoing resource. Continuity provides a complete compliance platform for community ‹Š—”’—ǰȱ˜ěŽ›’—ȱœ˜ Š›Žȱœ˜•ž’˜—œȱ ˜›ȱŠ’•¢ȱŠœ”œȱŠ—ȱšžŠ•’ꮍȱ™Ž›œ˜—- nel to address ongoing questions. This compliance system addresses today’s volatile regulatory environment and is designed to weather the compliance burden today and into the future. Continuity will allow banks to manage daily compliance яќѢѡȱѡѕђȱ Ѣѡѕќџ ˜ȱ Šœ•Ž¢ȱ’œȱŸ’ŒŽȱ™›Žœ’Ž—Ȭ™›˜žŒœȱǭȱœŽ›Ÿ’ŒŽœȱ of the Indiana Bankers Association, and also serves Šœȱ™›Žœ’Ž—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ˜›Ȭ™›˜ęȱŒ˜–™Š—’Žœȱ˜ —Žȱ‹¢ȱ the IBA. He can be reached at 317-387-9380, email: rlasley@indianabankers.org. ROD LASLEY Vice President-Products & Services Indiana Bankers Association