25 Hoosier Banker October 2014 with events moving at a slow, open pace – creates opportunities for those who are able to make their case. Indiana’s bankers took advantage of this unique opportunity by educating our congressional delegation. Your IBA Government Relations Team challenges each of you to consider how government has impacted your bank. Government is in every paper you file, in every examination you sit through, and in every loan committee that tries to conduct the business of banking. Government has its hand in every aspect of your business. Instead of sitting and complaining, get engaged. Be heard. You are the voice for your bank and the community it serves. Join us on the next IBA Annual Washington Trip, scheduled for Sept. 27-29, 2015! t The following associate members of the Indiana Bankers Association assisted with sponsorship of the 2014 IBA Annual Washington Trip: Continuity Control Equias Alliance Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis ICBA Bancard Krieg DeVault LLP Thank You, Sponsors Congressman Marlin Stutzman shares insights with Indiana bankers at the Capitol Hill Club. committee and from Congress over the next few years. On Tuesday, Sept. 9, the delegation had the distinct privilege to meet with House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas. Chairman Hensarling shared his position on issues of importance to IBA members and took time to listen to our bankers as they shared concerns about the future of banking. Most of the elected officials that we visited expressed their frustration with the gridlock in Washington. This Congress has enacted fewer laws than any in recent history. The November election will likely decide who controls the U.S. Senate. Because of the pending election, the atmosphere in DC was one of extreme uncertainty. Without the knowledge of whom and which party will be controlling the Senate, and the unforeseen actions of the lame duck Congress, the future of legislation is widely unknown. This environment – “The Washington trip was an eyeopener for me. As community bankers, it’s paramount that elected officials hear our message of how excessive legislation is impacting our local communities. The Washington trip is a great forum for a united and focused delivery of this message by bankers from throughout Indiana.” – Kevin M. Bender, president, Bank of Wolcott DCTrip Impact