31 Hoosier Banker October 2014 about information security, specific to the risk exposure they create. c. Retail and all other customers are considered to be moderate risk, unless identified for other reasons as high or critical risk. Generic information security messaging is appropriate for this class. To comply, you could develop a customer awareness strategy that you communicate to your bank’s management, marketing department and electronic banking division. Additionally you can strengthen your relationship with customers by continually sharing customer education messages. Facebook or Twitter posts that highlight consumer education – which can be as simple as linking to related articles – tend to attract “likes” and “followers.” earns customer loyalty. It’s important because at this very moment, as you are reading this article, some of your customers are opening deceptive emails, clicking on harmful links and saying yes to the wrong pop-up software on the wrong websites. Attackers stalk consumers to drain their accounts; ultimately, banks pay when customers do not adequately protect themselves. Even if your bank has informed commercial customers that Reg. E does not apply to their accounts, your bank may choose to help in the event of a full corporate account takeover. Bankers, as trusted community leaders, are in an ideal position to help educate the public about information security. The key to effective outreach is to make sure that your educational programming creates understanding, motivation and activation. • Understanding: Create a best practices document that you refer back to in all of your messaging. This document sets the rules for engagement and doubles as the basis for staff training. • Motivation: Help your customers understand why they must protect themselves. The goal is to enlighten – not frighten – customers about the related risks, likelihoods and controls. • Activation: Customers who are informed but not vigilant can still fall prey to attackers and scammers. Thus awareness must be activated via regular reminders. A customer awareness strategy gives your bank the opportunity to turn a compliance objective into a marketing coup. Your bank will be giving back to communities by IT Policies and Procedures Library See only what you need to see, when you need to see it! Event Log Management IPS/IDS and ELM 24x7x365 Real Time Monitoring Competitive Pricing Managed Security Services Fight the Noise! my.infotex.com | (800) 466-9939 IT Audits Risk Assessments Penetration Testing Pretext Calling, Phishing Physical Breach Attempts Continued on page 32.