2014 Vol. 98 No. 10

32 Hoosier Banker October 2014 providing needed information, protecting itself from legal risk, and enhancing its image … all in one project. t For more information about protecting your bank and customers from information security risks, join Dan Hadaway and other industry experts at the IT Security and Risk Management Conference. The event is scheduled for Nov. 19-20 at the Indianapolis Hilton North. Hadaway’s presentation will include hands-on guidance in creating a best practices document, customer awareness strategy and rebrandable flyers for all three classes of customers identified in the article. Register at indianabankers. org, or by clicking on the IT graphic below in Hoosier Banker Digital, also available on the IBA website. For more information, contact Laurie Rees at 317-387-9380, email: lrees@indianabankers.org. Learn More at IBA’s 2014 IT Security and Risk Management Conference Continued from page 31. Paul Waltz has been has been appointed president and chief operating officer of SHAZAM Network, Des Moines, Iowa. He has 30 years of experience with community financial institutions, most recently serving as executive vice president and chief operating officer. Bruce Tincher has been promoted to vice president of host operations with CSI, Paducah, Kentucky. He joined the company in 1975 and has served in a variety of positions, including director of host services. Welcome, New Members The Indiana Bankers Association welcomes the following company to the IBA network as associate members. For more information about the benefits of associate membership, please contact Rod Lasley at the IBA at 317-387-9380, email: rlasley@indianabankers.org. Meridian Title Corporation Lon Messmore, 260-434-9130 meridiantitle.com Meridian Title Corporation, established in 1938, currently has over 30 offices serving Indiana, Michigan and Illinois. Meridian Title will be expanding its footprint with national divisions and will serve commercial, residential or REO transactions seamlessly across the nation. Meridian Title has the unique ability to issue title policies for a host of national and state underwriters, allowing options to best serve its customers’ needs and preferences. Meridian Title is one of the nation’s largest independent title agencies, with over 75 years of experience in providing title insurance coverage, escrow closings and real estaterelated services. t associate MeMBers’ corner For more information, contact Bobbie Baker at (866) 776-6426, x3374 or bbaker@promnetwork.com Bank Assetpoint is operated by Assetpoint Services, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC. Use of the Bank Assetpoint service is subject to the terms and conditions in the Bank Assetpoint agreements, including the Bank Assetpoint Participant Agreement. Bank Assets All in One Place LOANS LOAN PARTICIPATIONS NEW ORIGINATIONS The marketplace for bank assets • 1,3000+ banks • 8,500+ marketplace participants • Thousands of listings BankAssetpoint.com Brought to you by: Infotex has created a customer awareness strategy “Voice of America” template, free to readers of Hoosier Banker magazine. To access, go to: my.infotex.com/voa. ‘Voice of America’ Template