34 Hoosier Banker October 2014 1st Source Bank, South Bend, has donated $25,000 to Purdue University-North Central for a student services and activities complex on its Westville campus. When completed, the 86,000-square-foot complex will serve the college athletes, students and the community with its two gymnasium courts, fitness center, conference center and meeting rooms. 1st Source Bank, South Bend, donated $15,000 on Aug. 21 to the United Way of LaPorte County to be used toward the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, which helps prepare and file income taxes for qualified individuals. iAB Financial Bank, Fort Wayne, sponsored a flip flop drive, resulting in the donation of more than 1,000 pairs of flip flops to The Rescue Mission. Bank employees purchased enough new flip flops to supply Life House, a location that provides individuals with emergency shelter, for one year. Centier Bank, Northern Indiana, supported the Jackson Street of Dreams events that were held Aug. 24-29 in Gary. The effort is designed to restore homes and engage community members on the street where Michael Jackson lived as a child. The bank volunteered to work on three houses and also made a donation of $10,000 to The Fuller Center for Housing, Gary. First Federal Savings Bank, Evansville, has conducted a bank-wide book drive resulting in more than 1,200 donated items that were distributed to a kindergarten class at Fairlawn Elementary School. Students received bags containing seven reading books, an activity book, a book light, book marks and educational information. The effort was in conjunction with a “Crazy About our Kids!” community outreach project of the Indiana Bankers Association’s Leadership Development Program. Home National Bank, Thorntown, has donated more than $9,000 to two groups in Boone County. The bank first presented a donation of $6,681 to the American Cancer Society on June 21. The donation was a result of a year-long effort to raise funds for Relay for Life. The bank then presented a donation of $2,350 on Aug. 9 to the Boone County Cancer Society at the annual Battle of the Bar-B-Q in Lebanon. Springs Valley Bank & Trust Company, French Lick, donated $1,000 to the Orange County Habitat for Humanity in September. Orange County Habitat for Humanity has built an “Apostles’ Build” home each fall for the past several years and currently is partnering with the Lost River Career Cooperative Building Trades Program in Paoli. Banking on coMMunity 1st Source Regional President Bob Ax (left) gives a donation check to James Dworkin, chancellor of Purdue University-North Central. Bob Ax (left) 1st Source regional president, and Mike Arnett,1st Source business banker, present a donation to Kris Pate, executive director of the United Way of LaPorte County. Admiring flip flop drive results are: (left to right): Angela Hughes, Laurie Brumbaugh and Richard Cummins,The Rescue Mission; and Angela Kuhn, Amanda Miller, Jennifer Witmer and Kristin Smith, iAB Financial Bank, Fort Wayne. Centier Bank associates, in bright green shirts, present a donation check to The Fuller Center for Housing. Two Relay for Life team leaders, in blue shirts, accept a donation check from (left to right): Lisa Henry, Dan Fry, Jody Durham and Jeff Welty of Home National Bank,Thorntown. Celebrating a donation are (left to right): Kourtney Fussell and Jeff Welty, Home National Bank,Thorntown; Joy Kaylor of Boone County Cancer Society; and Regina Graddy, Dan Fry and Ania Thurman, Home National Bank. Jennifer Singleton (center), First Federal Saving Bank, Evansville, delivers book-drive donations to teachers of Fairlawn Elementary School. Continued on facing page.