5 Hoosier Banker TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 98 NO. 10 6925 Parkdale Place Indianapolis IN 46254-4673 Phone: 317-387-9380 Fax: 317-387-9374 www.indianabankers.org Publisher: S. Joe DeHaven Editor: Laura Wilson Advertising: Rod Lasley Send news releases to: IBAcommunications @indianabankers.org Hoosier Banker (ISSN 0018-473X) is published monthly by the IBA Service Corp., a subsidiary of IBA Holding Company Inc., that is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Indiana Bankers Association. The magazine invites news from IBA members. Copy deadline: first of the month preceding publication. Advertising: Rates available upon request or online at www.indianabankers.org. Advertisers should provide electronic PDFs by the 15th of the month preceding publication. Hoosier Banker advertising is available to members and associate members of the Indiana Bankers Association only. Subscriptions: Hoosier Banker subscriptions are provided free of charge exclusively to members and associate members of the Indiana Bankers Association. Public access to Hoosier Banker Digital is available at www.indianabankers.org. FEATURES 6 PRESIDENT’S PONDERINGS S. Joe DeHaven, IBA 8 BOARD REVIEW Clay W. Ewing, German American, Jasper 9 IBA CALENDAR OF EVENTS CONVENTION COVERAGE 10 WHAT'SYOUR GAME PLAN? IBA ANNUAL CONVENTION 2014 Christina M. Bennett, IBA 12 RECAP OF 2014:AYEAR OF SUCCESS David W. Heeter, MutualBank, Muncie 14 LOOKING FORWARD TO SUCCESS IN 2015 Larry W. Myers, First Savings Bank, Clarksville 16 CONVENTION PHOTO GALLERY EDUCATION ROUNDUP 20 MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: LDP PARTICIPANTS MAKE LEADERSHIP STRIDES Laurie A. Rees, IBA GR SPOTLIGHT 24 ‘MIGHTY BAND OF BANKERS’ ASSEMBLES IN DC Amber R.Van Til, IBA PSP SHOWCASE 26 CUTTING DOWN ON PAPER? THERE IS A SOLUTION! Rod Lasley, IBA OPERATIONS / TECHNOLOGY 28 BIG DATA REAPS BIG REWARDS Jason Young, CIS NuPoint 30 EDUCATEYOUR CUSTOMERS ABOUT INFORMATION SECURITY Dan Hadaway, Infotex DIRECTORS / SENIOR MANAGEMENT 36 STRATEGIC BOND SWAPS: OPTIMIZING RISK AND REWARD IN INVESTMENTS Jeffrey F. Caughron,The Baker Group 38 ALTA BEST PRACTICE NO. 4: DO IT ON TIME,AND DO IT RIGHT Johnathon Biggs, Investors Title Insurance Company DEPARTMENTS 15 TAKING IT EASY 23 FROM THE BOARD ROOM 23 NEW BRANCHES, BUILDINGS & OPENINGS 27 HONORS 32 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS' CORNER 33 COMPLIANCE CONNECTION Larry C.Tomlin, Krieg DeVault LLP 34 BANKING ON COMMUNITY 35 IN MEMORY OF 39 ANNIVERSARY MILESTONES 40 BANKERS ON THE MOVE 46 ADVERTISERS INDEX 5 Hoosier Banker octoBer 2014 More than 500 attendees participated in the 2014 IBA Annual Convention.