2014 Vol. 98 No. 11

5 Hoosier Banker TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 98 NO. 11 6925 Parkdale Place Indianapolis IN 46254-4673 Phone: 317-387-9380 Fax: 317-387-9374 www.indianabankers.org Publisher: S. Joe DeHaven Editor: Laura Wilson Advertising: Rod Lasley Send news releases to: IBAcommunications @indianabankers.org Hoosier Banker (ISSN 0018-473X) is published monthly by the IBA Service Corp., a subsidiary of IBA Holding Company Inc., that is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Indiana Bankers Association. The magazine invites news from IBA members. Copy deadline: first of the month preceding publication. Advertising: Rates available upon request or online at www.indianabankers.org. Advertisers should provide electronic PDFs by the 15th of the month preceding publication. Hoosier Banker advertising is available to members and associate members of the Indiana Bankers Association only. Subscriptions: Hoosier Banker subscriptions are provided free of charge exclusively to members and associate members of the Indiana Bankers Association. Public access to Hoosier Banker Digital is available at www.indianabankers.org. FEATURES 6 PRESIDENT’S PONDERINGS S. Joe DeHaven, IBA 7 BOARD REVIEW Matthew W. Howrey, North Salem State Bank 9 IBA CALENDAR OF EVENTS 14 BRIDGES OUT OF POVERTY: ONE BANK'S EXPERIENCE AS A COMMUNITY CONNECTOR Dan L. Moore, Home Bank, Martinsville 24 STATE DEPOSITS IN INDIANA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS COVER STORY 10 INDIANA GOV. MIKE PENCE: BALANCING BUDGETS AND PRIORITIES LENDING / CREDIT 18 SECURED PARTY WAIVES SECURITY INTEREST DUE TO FAILURE TO MONITOR DEBTOR Michael L.Weissman, Levin & Ginsburg Ltd. GR SPOTLIGHT 20 INDIANA BANKERS BREAK CONVENTION BANKPAC RECORD Amber R.Van Til, IBA PSP SHOWCASE 22 IBA WELCOMES A NEW PREFERRED SERVICE PROVIDER Rod Lasley, IBA DIRECTORS / SENIOR MANAGEMENT 26 WHEN GOOD COMPLIANCE GOES BAD Pam Perdue, Continuity Control DEPARTMENTS 15 VIDEO BONUS 15 IN MEMORY OF 16 COMPLIANCE CONNECTION Larry C.Tomlin, Krieg DeVault LLP 17 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS' CORNER 17 ANNIVERSARY MILESTONES 23 HONORABLE MENTIONS 27 TAKING IT EASY 28 NEW BRANCHES, BUILDINGS & OPENINGS 30 BANKING ON COMMUNITY 31 BANKERS ON THE MOVE 34 A+ BANKERS 34 ADVERTISERS INDEX 5 Hoosier Banker novemBer 2014 The Honorable Mike Pence was elected 50th governor of Indiana in 2012 and inaugurated on Jan. 14, 2013.