2014 Vol. 98 No. 2

10 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ђяџѢюџѦȱ2014 &29(5 6725< IBA Members Address Top œœžŽœȱŠȱ Ž’œ•Š’ŸŽȱ ›’Žę—ȱ Š—ȱ ŽŒŽ™’˜— The Indiana Bankers Association hosted its annual Legislative ›’Žę—ȱŠ—ȱ ŽŒŽ™’˜—ȱ˜—ȱ Š—ǯȱŘŞȱ Šȱ‘Žȱ˜ —˜ —ȱ ¢ŠĴȱ ŽŽ—Œ¢ȱ Indianapolis. Some 150 bankers ‹›ŠŸŽȱ‹’ĴŽ›ȱŒ˜•ȱŽ–™Ž›Šž›Žœȱ˜ȱ come together to discuss legislative issues pertinent to the Indiana banking community in a relaxed atmosphere. Earlier in the day, The KeyState Companies hosted a luncheon for –Ž–‹Ž›œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ Ž•Š’˜—œȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ–Žȱ afterward. Luncheon highlights included presentations by David H. Mills, retiring director of the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions (DFI), and by Thomas C. Fite, DFI deputy director of depository institutions. At the close of the luncheon, IBA presented Mills with a plaque commemorating his 42 years of service to the banking industry, both as a banker and as DFI director. ȱ Ž›ȱ‘Žȱ•ž—Œ‘Ž˜—ǰȱ ǯȱ ˜Ÿǯȱ žŽȱ Ellspermann gave a presentation ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ Ž•Š’˜—œȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ˜—ȱœŠŽ ’ŽȱŽě˜›œȱ˜ȱ further the economic wellbeing of Indiana. The lieutenant governor introduced each member of her ŒŠ‹’—Žǰȱ ‘˜ȱŽ¡™•Š’—Žȱ˜ȱŒ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ members their roles in the administration. ȱ ȱŚȱ™ǯ–ǯȱ‘Žȱ Ž’œ•Š’ŸŽȱ ›’Žę—ȱ began, during which the IBA ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ Ž•Š’˜—œȱ ŽŠ–ȱŽŠ’•Žȱ bills of interest to Indiana bankers: % SB 1 – State and Local Taxation % SB 36 – Probate, Trust, and ›Š—œŽ›ȱ˜ȱ ŽŠ‘ȱ ŠĴŽ›œ % SB 66 – State-Assisted Retirement Plan % SB 140 – Home Rule Powers of Certain Units % SB 175 - Credit Score Disclosures and Credit Inquiries % SB 344 – Mortgage Lending % SB 422 – Abandoned Housing % HB 1157 – Open-Market PACE Program % HB 1224 – Title Insurance % HB 1235 – Savings Promotion ŠĝŽœ % HB 1245 – Various Financial —œ’ž’˜—œȱ ŠĴŽ›œ % ȱŗŘśśȱȮȱ ˜ŒŠ•ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ Investments % HB 1280 – Land Banks and Tax Sale Issues. ‘Žȱ‹›’Žę—ȱŠ•œ˜ȱ™›˜Ÿ’ŽȱŠ—ȱ opportunity to recognize members ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŘŖŖƖȱ •ž‹ǯȱ ‘’›¢Ȭ꟎ȱ Ȭ member banks contributed at least 200 percent of their fair share goals to Indiana BANKPAC during 2013. The evening continued with the Legislative Reception, giving member bankers an opportunity to meet, mingle and converse about the topics being addressed at the Indiana ŠŽ‘˜žœŽȱ‘’œȱœŽœœ’˜—ǯȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ ȱ Team appreciates the support of our members in staying informed and in tune with the issues that impact banking. This annual Legislative ›’Žę—ȱŠ—ȱ ŽŒŽ™’˜—ȱ’œȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ˜ȱ many grassroots opportunities this year to give IBA bankers a voice in the legislative process.  яќѢѡȱѡѕђȱ Ѣѡѕќџ Amber R. Van Til, JD, is senior vice presidentgovernment relations of the Indiana Bankers Association. She can be reached at 317-917-8047, email: avantil@indianabankers.org. 6HH WKH RQOLQH ,%$ SKRWR DOEXP RI various Association events. Click on the +RRVLHU %DQNHU 'LJLWDO logo in the online HGLWLRQ RI WKH PDJD]LQH DYDLODEOH DW ZZZ LQGLDQDEDQNHUV RUJ Digital Bonus