2014 Vol. 98 No. 2

15 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ђяџѢюџѦ 2014 Ž¡ŽŒž’ŸŽȱ˜ĜŒŽ›ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ŽŽ›Š•ȱ Reserve Bank of St. Louis and a member of the Federal Reserve’s ŽŽ›Š•ȱ ™Ž—ȱ Š›”Žȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ (FOMC). He discussed FOMC forecasts in recent years and for 2014. Bullard reported that for 2014, the St. Louis Fed continues to project improved growth prospects for the U.S. economy, a decrease in unemployment and a slight increase ’—ȱ’—ĚŠ’˜—ȱ˜’—ȱ˜› Š›ǯ IBA extends thanks to the outstanding presenters of this year’s ˜›ž–ǰȱ˜ȱŠĴŽ—ŽŽœȱŠ—ȱžŽœœǰȱŠ—ȱ to the sponsors which made the event possible: *ROG 6SRQVRUV Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis ›˜ęȱ Žœ˜ž›ŒŽœȱ —Œǯ 6LOYHU 6SRQVRUV Bankers’ Bank Robert W. Baird & Company %URQ]H 6SRQVRUV Equias Alliance ȱ ›˜ž™ȱ —œž›Š—ŒŽȱ ›žœ Premier Capital Corporation Renninger & Associates LLC  Photo gallery available on pages 16 and 17. FEATURE On Jan. 10, the Indiana Bankers Association hosted the third annual Indiana Economic Outlook Forum in Indianapolis. Approximately ŗŞŖȱ ȱ–Ž–‹Ž›œȱ Ž›Žȱ’—ȱŠĴŽ—Š—ŒŽȱ for the networking event. At the luncheon, Dr. Michael J. Hicks, director of the Center for Business and Economic Research and a professor of economics in the Miller College of Business at Ball State University, shared his insights into the national and regional economy. He forecasted continuing economic improvement for Indiana, but cautioned that several localities which have been reliant on automobile manufacturing will likely continue to struggle. The keynote speaker was Dr. James Bullard, president and chief ȱ ˜œœȱ žŒŒŽœœž•ȱ —’Š—Šȱ Œ˜—˜–’Œȱ ž•˜˜”ȱ ˜›ž– яќѢѡȱѡѕђȱ Ѣѡѕќџ ‘›’œ’—Šȱ ǯȱ Ž——ŽĴǰȱ ǰȱ’œȱŸ’ŒŽȱ™›Žœ’Ž—Ȭ meetings & events of the Indiana Bankers Association. She can be reached at 317-387-9380, email: Œ‹Ž——ŽĴȓ’—’Š—Š‹Š—”Ž›œǯ˜›ǯ Industy Knowledge What do you want ĨƌŽŵ LJŽƵƌ ůĂǁ Įƌŵ͍ Bose Means BusinessSM boselaw.com