27 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ђяџѢюџѦ 2014 £ȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ ȱ ¢, hosted a ribbon- Ĵȱȱ ǯȱřŖȱȱȱ ȱȬȱȱȱ - dianapolis at 302 N. Alabama St., near the Mass Avenue corridor. Opening ceremonies included premiums for new checking accounts to discounts on business services. The bank also provided a sponsorship to the Riley Area Development Corp. and made a donation to the Local Initiatives Support Corp. ȱȱȱȱȱȱĚȱȱ ȱ “dialogue banking pods” to allow customers to stand next to bankers to conduct transactions. ȱ ¢ȱ ǰȱ ǰȱȱȱȱȱĜȱȱ the Indianapolis market, at State Road 37 and 131st Street ȱ ǯȱ ȱȱȱ ȱȱȬĴȱȱ at the 3,700 square-foot location on Jan. 23. ȱ ȱȱȱĜȱȱȱȱ¢ǯȱ NEW BRANCHES, BUILDINGS & OPENINGS ¢ȱ ǯȱ , executive vice ȬȱȱĜȱȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ , and of ȱ , has announced plans to retire from the bank and holding company, ěȱ ȱŗŗǯȱ ȱȱȱȱ banking for 42 years. Clark joined Ameriana in 1997 as executive vice ȱȱȱȱĜǰȱȱȱŘŖŗŘȱȱ been responsible for the bank’s enterprise risk management program. He previously served as regional executive and area president for National City Bank of Indiana in Seymour, prior to which he held senior management positions with Central National Bank and Hancock Bank & Trust. Clark has been active with several community organizations and currently serves on the board of trustees ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱ ęȱȱȱȱ board of Hancock County Community Foundation. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Ball State University ȱȱȱ ȱ ȱȱ ȱȱȱ University of Wisconsin. Clark is a member of the Indiana Bankers Association Forty Year Club. TAKING IT EASY ,QGLDQDSROLV 0D\RU *UHJ %DOODUG IDU OHIW FXWV WKH ULEERQ DW WKH RSHQLQJ FHUHPRQ\ RI WKH QHZ ,QGLDQDSROLV ORFDWLRQ RI +RUL]RQ %DQN 1$ 0LFKLJDQ &LW\ 6KRZQ DUH OHIW WR ULJKW VWDUWLQJ WR WKH ULJKW RI 0D\RU %DOODUG EDQN SHUVRQQHO &UDLJ 'ZLJKW 6DQG\ 0RIIHWW %LOO 'HQWRQ 5XE\ 6DQWDPDULD DQG -RKQ 7UDYLV ȱ ǯȱ ¢ǰȱŜŚǰȱȱȱĜȱ and senior vice president of ¢ȱ ǰȱ , died Jan. 7. He served in the banking industry for 42 years, beginning his career in 1971 with American National Bank. Illyes later became regional president of Ameritrust and in 1992 was named executive vice president of Metro Bank in Noblesville; he joined Community Bank 10 years ago. He was a member of the First Christian Church in Noblesville, a charter member of the Midday Rotary Club in Noblesville and served on the ȱȱȱȱȱ ȱ ¢ȱǭȱ ȱ ȱȱ 26 years. His prior community service included Riverview Hospital Foundation, United Way and the American Heart Association. A graduate of Purdue University and of the ȱ ȱȱ ȱȱȱ ¢ȱȱ ǰȱ Illyes was a member of the Indiana Bankers Association Forty Year Club. IN MEMORY OF ŗȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ , celebrated the opening of its new banking center in the Cascada Business Park, ¢Ĵǰȱȱ ǯȱŗŚȱ ȱȱȬĴȱ¢ȱ Ĵȱ¢ȱ ¢Ĵȱ ¢ȱ ¢ȱ Dzȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ¢Ĵȱ Dzȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱŗȱ ȱȱȱȱ¡ȱĜDzȱ ȱ ĵǰȱ bank president; Bob Ax, bank regional president; Brent ǰȱ ¢Ĵȱ ¢ȱȱDzȱ ȱ ǰȱ banking center manager; and Tara Daniel, assistant banking center manager. At the event, the bank presented ȱǞŗŖǰŖŖŖȱȱȱ ȱ ȱ ¢Ĵȱȱȱ ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱěȱȱ the new 1st Source location include side-by-side banking, where traditional teller walls are replaced with a more personal and connected banking experience. &LW\ GLJQLWDULHV DQG EDQN SHUVRQQHO WDNH SDUW LQ WKH ULEERQ FXWWLQJ RI WKH QHZ VW 6RXUFH %DQN ORFDWLRQ LQ /DID\HWWH