12 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ юџѐѕȱ2014 Continued from page 11. “In the past, we talked to tellers about the importance of listening to customers and taking cues from them about how to interact. Some customers want to come in and out as quickly as possible, and others want to stay and chat. “We have that same discussion today, but it goes a step further into ęȱȱ ȱ¢ȱȱ customers want as a primary mode of delivery. Do they want to come in and talk? Do they want to do everything online? “We continue to serve the customer who wants to come in, but there is a growing market segment that doesn’t want to come in any more than they have to. For those customers, we have to make the online process as easy and simple as possible.” In 2002 you served as chairman of the board of Community Bankers Association of Indiana, and now you are an Indiana Bankers Association grassroots banker. Why do you choose to be so deeply involved? “We have to have a voice out there to bring some common sense back to issues, particularly in this era of overregulation. Very few banks in Indiana had anything to do with the major economic downturn that took place in recent years but, sadly, we have to deal with the regulations that came about as a result. We need a voice. “I’m old enough to remember when people would sign a note and a mortgage — each about a page-anda-half document — and they would ¢ȱȱȱęǯȱ ¢ȱ we go into a mortgage closing and face a stack of papers an inch-and-ahalf thick. Customers will say, ‘Show me where to sign,’ instead of reading ęǯ “Consumers have to sign voluminous amounts of documents, about half of which are designed to protect ourselves. I don’t think the ¢ȱȱĴȱĴȱȱȱȱ the client. “The reality is, most people are only looking at, ‘How much cash do I have to bring to the table?’ and ‘What’s my monthly payment going to be?’ Sometimes less is more. “About a year ago, I was invited to sit down with some people from the Fed who were trying to explore ways to help community banks. They were honestly trying to help, but what they did not appreciate is that every time they make a change, I have to change my software, and I have to ȱ¢¢ȱȱěǯ “I understand that there are going to be three major releases from the Fed this year related to mortgages. These changes will cause three new sets of software and three new training sessions. “Unfortunately I don’t think any ȱȱȱȱȱȱ¢ȱĴȱȱȱ customer than just breaking down the particulars of the individual deal. ’What’s my payment going to be?’ ‘How long is my term?’ ‘How much money do I have to pay down on the front end?’ We have overcomplicated ȱȱȱȱěȱȱȱȱ simpler.” If applicable, please describe the ȱȱȱĚȱȱȱ your life. “Somebody who I’ve always looked up to is Bob Feller, not to be confused with Bob Feller the baseball player of about the same vintage, who was a pitcher for the Cleveland Indians. The Bob Feller I knew was president of the First National Bank in Findlay when I was there. “Bob allowed me at an early age ȱĴȱȱ¢ȱȱǯȱ At the time, the bank was owned by the same people who owned the Marathon Oil Company. Consequently I had an opportunity ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱĚȱ 0DUN )RJW FRQIHUV ZLWK 7HUUL *DOO UHWDLO EDQNLQJ RIÀFHU Carrier selection is one of the most critical decisions in a BOLI purchase. Not all BOLI providers offer carriers with the top AAA rating. Executive Benefits Network offers its clients the most highly rated BOLI carriers in the industry; delivering the long-term benefits and financial strength our clients expect. Now that is Knowledge You Can Bank On.™ We Peel Back the Layers So Our Clients Can Fully Uncover BOLI. ©2014 EBN BOLI & Deferred Compensation Experts 800.780.4EBN ebn-design.com