2014 Vol. 98 No. 3

19 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ юџѐѕ 2014 For more information, contact: Bobbie Baker (866) 776-6426, x3374 bbaker@promnetwork.com Visit us at the IBA Mega Conference, booth 107 Bank Assetpoint is operated by Assetpoint Services, LLC, D ZKROO\ RZQHG VXEVLGLDU\ RI 3URPRQWRU\ ,QWHUÀQDQFLDO Network, LLC. Use of the Bank Assetpoint service is subject to the terms and conditions in the Bank Assetpoint agreements, including the Bank Assetpoint Participant Agreement. Bank Assets All in One Place LOANS LOAN PARTICIPATIONS NEW ORIGINATIONS The only nationwide marketplace dedicated to a variety of bank assets ‡ 1,200+ banks ‡ 5,000+ marketplace participants ‡ $550,000,000+ in new loan originations and commitments BankAssetpoint.com Kathy Taylor has joined Banc Statements Inc. %LUPLQJKDP $OD as vice president RI PDUNHWLQJ 6KH has more than 15 years of experience LQ PXOWLFKDQQHO EUDQG DQG VWUDWHJLF EXVLQHVV GHYHORSPHQW PDUNHWLQJ VWUDWHJLHV LGHD JHQHUDWLRQ DQG creative direction. Keith Monson has been named vice president of application compliance for Computer Services Inc. &6, 3DGXFDK .\ +H ZLOO focus on the company’s compliance initiatives to establish and build out an enterprise-wide compliance framework for risk assessment and UHSRUWLQJ LVVXH PDQDJHPHQW DQG RWKHU FRUSRUDWH FRPSOLDQFH SURJUDP FRPSRQHQWV 0RQVRQ KDV PRUH WKDQ \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH LQ WKH ÀQDQFLDO industry as a compliance consultant ZLWK D UDQJH RI ÀQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV +H HDUQHG D EDFKHORU·V GHJUHH IURP 7UXPDQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ Welcome, New Members The Indiana Bankers Association ZHOFRPHV WKH IROORZLQJ FRPSDQLHV to the IBA network as associate members. For more information DERXW WKH EHQHÀWV RI DVVRFLDWH PHPEHUVKLS SOHDVH FRQWDFW 5RG /DVOH\ DW WKH ,%$ DW HPDLO 5/DVOH\#LQGLDQDEDQNHUV RUJ Cannon IV Inc. -DPHV )DOO www.cannon4.com &DQQRQ ,9 ,QF KHDGTXDUWHUHG LQ ,QGLDQDSROLV LV D OHDGLQJ LQGHSHQGHQW SURYLGHU RI PDQDJHG print services and document PDQDJHPHQW VROXWLRQV ZLWK PRUH WKDQ FOLHQWV QDWLRQZLGH &DQQRQ ,9 LQWHJUDWHV EHVW LQ FODVV V\VWHPV IURP OHDGLQJ PDQXIDFWXUHUV VXFK DV +HZOHWW 3DFNDUG /H[PDUN 3DSHU&XW DQG 3HUFHSWLYH 6RIWZDUH WR LPSURYH RSHUDWLQJ HIÀFLHQF\ Creative Inc. 6KDZQ %RUJD ZZZ FUHDWLYHLQFJUDSKLFV FRP Creative Inc. helps companies SURPRWH WKHLU EUDQG WKURXJK YLVXDO PHDQV LQFOXGLQJ YHKLFOH ZUDSV ZDOO DQG ÁRRU JUDSKLFV WUDGH VKRZ GLVSOD\V GULYH WKURXJK VLJQDJH DQG much more. Elliott Data Systems Inc. 0DWW %X\GRV www.elliottdata.com (OOLRWW 'DWD 6\VWHPV SURYLGHV WHFKQRORJ\ WKDW DOORZV ÀQDQFLDO institutions the ability to personalize debit cards in-house. Cards may then be instantly issued when a new account is opened or rapidly UHSODFHG ZKHQ D FDUG LV ORVW VWROHQ RU compromised. FPS GOLD *DU\ 'DYLV ZZZ ISV JROG FRP )36 *2/' SURYLGHV GDWD SURFHVVLQJ VHUYLFHV WR FRPPHUFLDO institutions and community banks from coast to coast. It provides core SURFHVVLQJ DFFRXQWLQJ GHSRVLWV ORDQV ,QWHUQHW DQG PRELOH VROXWLRQV It provides bank executives with powerful analytical solutions. 7KH WRWDO LQWHJUDWLRQ IRVWHUV TXLFN XQGHUVWDQGLQJ LPSURYHV RSHUDWLRQV DQG LQFUHDVHV SURÀWV  ASSOCIATE MEMBERS’ CORNER 1HZV IURP ,%$·V YDOXHG DVVRFLDWH PHPEHUV