27 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ юџѐѕ 2014 The West End Bank Charitable Foundation of West End Bank, SB, Richmond, gave a grant of $2,500 to the Whitewater Valley Pro Bono on Jan. 29. The organization is the only Richmondbased entity that provides pro bono legal services to area citizens. Ĵȱ ȱ donated $250 last December to Ribbon Chicks Inc., an area breast cancer support group, as the result of an “ugly Christmas sweater” contest. The bank posted photos of employees donning their ugliest holiday sweaters on its Facebook page, inviting fans to vote for their favorites. The contest champion was teller Aimee Fisher, who chose Ribbon Chicks Inc. as the charity recipient. iAB Financial Bank, Fort Wayne, presented local ęȱ¢ȱ Ĵ ȱŘśȱ ȱȱ donation in February of $2,214, to be used to assist the health, vision and dental clinic in serving the uninsured and low-income residents of Allen County. Throughout 2013, the bank’s Fun Ĵȱȱ money from 285 employees through monthly “Jeans Days,” raising more than $6,000. Two other charities in the iAB communities also received donations from 2013 Jeans Day collections. BANKING ON COMMUNITY Shown at a West End Bank Charitable Foundation grant presentation to Whitewater Valley Pro Bono are (left to right):Timothy R. Frame,West End chief RSHUDWLQJ RIÀFHU 5RELQ +HQU\ :HVW (QG H[HFXWLYH YLFH SUHVLGHQW KXPDQ UHVRXUFHV 6KDQH 5 (GLQJWRQ :KLWHZDWHU 9DOOH\ 3UR %RQR H[HFXWLYH GLUHFWRU DQG John P. McBride,West End chairman of the board and CEO. ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ has announced Community Food Pantry as its next grant recipient. The total amount of the grant will be $7,500 over a three-year period. The Hammond Community Advisory Panel of Centier Bank, Northern Indiana, along with Purdue University Calumet’s Hospitality and Tourism Center, hosted presentations regarding healthy meals on Feb. 21 and 28. Purdue students majoring in hospitality and management set up cooking stations to demonstrate how to prepare wholesome meals to students and parents of Harding and Morton elementary schools. The group lessons ȱȱȱěȱ of the advisory panel’s series on health and wellness. Springs Valley Bank & Trust Company, French Lick, is sponsoring the 2014 Dubois County Community Foundation Ĵǯȱ The foundation supports donors in their charitable giving and awards ȱȱě- ȱęȱ organizations serving Dubois County in southwestern Indiana. Shown at the donation from iAB Financial Bank, Fort Wayne, to Matthew 25 are (left to right): Susan B. Eisenhauer, Matthew 25 chief executive RIÀFHU (UPLQD 0XVWHGDQDJLF 0DWWKHZ GHYHORSPHQW GLUHFWRU $QJLH .XKQ DQG .ULVWLQ 6PLWK L$% )XQ &RPPLWWHH PHPEHUV DQG 'U Tom Gutwein, emergency medical director, Parkview Hospital. Students received hands on experience preparing fresh vegetables and recipes during “Healthy Meals,” a program sponsored by the Hammond Community Advisory Panel of Centier Bank, Northern Indiana, and hosted at Purdue Calumet. Gathering for the Garrett State Bank donation to Ribbon Chicks Inc. are (left WR ULJKW -HQQLIHU :LOO 5LEERQ &KLFNV Aimee Fisher, Garrett State Bank contest ZLQQHU DQG 0HODQLH )DUPHU D IULHQG of Fisher’s who receives support from Ribbon Chicks. Shown in support of the sponsorship of Springs Valley Bank & Trust Company, French Lick, to the 2014 Dubois County Community Foundation newsletter are (left to right): Craig Buse, senior vice president and chief RSHUDWLRQV RIÀFHU DW 6SULQJV 9DOOH\ %DQN 1LFROH +XUUOH communications and engagement manager at Dubois &RXQW\ &RPPXQLW\ )RXQGDWLRQ 'LDQQD /DQG DVVLVWDQW YLFH SUHVLGHQW DW WKH EDQN DQG &OD\WRQ %R\OHV community relations at the foundation. West End Bank Charitable Foundation has announced Community Food Pantry as its next grant recipient. Shown are bank associates Robin Henry, John McBride and Timothy Frame with members of the Community Food Pantry Organization.