34 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ юџѐѕ 2014 Centier Bank, Northern Indiana, has partnered with Gary Life Education Initiative to support its mission, “to provide mentoring, essential and enriching life skills, college and career readiness workshops to help students discover and live their purpose.” In January, Centier personnel presented “Check It Out,” a module available through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Lessons focused on how to choose and keep a checking account and how to balance a checkbook. The bank provided nearly 200 practice checkbooks and materials to students. FINANCIAL LITERACY DIGEST )RU ÀQDQFLDO OLWHUDF\ RXWUHDFK RI &HQWLHU %DQN 1RUWKHUQ ,QGLDQD -DVRQ +DUULV PRUWJDJH ORDQ RIÀFHU DQG /D7R\D Goodwin, Gary Miller branch manager, present to students in the Gary Life Education Initiative, College Readiness in the Classroom Program. First Savings Bank, FSB, Clarksville, awarded Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana a $73,549 grant in December 2013 from the First Savings Charitable Foundation. This grant is to serve approximately 3,500 southern Indiana students in Clark, Crawford and Washington counties, allowing students to participate in two capstone programs: Sam Swope JA BizTown® and Chase JA Finance Park®. The experiential learning programs consist of 25 to 30 hours of classroom curriculum coupled with an interactive simulation in the James W. Robinson Junior Achievement Center for Freedom of Enterprise. Students, educators and bankers gather for a check donation from First Savings Bank, FSB, Clarksville, to Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana. Teller Performance Management Banks using SNL Banker make smarter staffing decisions without sacrificing customer satisfaction. FOCUS ON SOLUTIONS Ineffective resource management diminishes your bank’s efficiency. Matching your staffing levels to customer traffic can translate into big cost savings. 5 full-time employees @ = $15 per hour 10 branches -5 hours per week $3.75k per week $195k per year Indiana Bankers Association members: Learn how to manage your personnel costs and solve five other common banking challenges. Contact Julie Jones at 434.951.4419 or partners@SNL.com. ›