,QGLDQD %DQNHUV $VVRFLDWLRQ 2IÀFHUV 'LUHFWRUV 6WDII ,%$ 2IÀFHUV Chairman ................................................................ 'DYLG : +HHWHU, MutualBank, Muncie FirstVice Chairman .................................... /DUU\ : 0\HUV, First Savings Bank, FSB, Clarksville SecondVice Chairman ........................... 0LFKDHO + +HDG, First Federal Savings Bank, Evansville Immediate Past Chairman ..................... -DPHV & 0DUFXFFLOOL, STAR Financial Bank, Fort Wayne 3UHVLGHQW DQG &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IÀFHU .... 6 -RH 'H+DYHQ, Indiana Bankers Association, Indianapolis &RQVWLWXHQW 'LUHFWRUV ICBA State Director ........................................ 'DYLG 0 *HLV, Jackson County Bank, Seymour ABA Membership Council ....... 0LFKDHO . %DXHU, Community Bank Shares of Indiana, New Albany Future Leadership Division President .......... /XFDV :KLWH,The Fountain Trust Company, Covington 1RUWKHDVW 5HJLRQ 'LUHFWRUV -DPHV * +LDWW, First State Bank of Middlebury 0LFKDHO ' &DKLOO,Tower Financial Corp., Fort Wayne *UHJRU\ 0D[ZHOO, Farmers State Bank, Mentone 1RUWKZHVW 5HJLRQ 'LUHFWRUV $QQHWWH 0 5XVVHOO, Security Federal Savings Bank, Logansport 3DWULFN 'XIIH\, State Bank of Burnettsville .DUHQ , 0LOOHU,The Farmers Bank, Frankfort 6RXWKHDVW 5HJLRQ 'LUHFWRUV 'HQQLV :D\PDQ, State Bank of Medora *HRUJH : )HUULHOO, Bath State Bank $UFKLH 0 %URZQ, MainSource Financial Group, Greensburg 6RXWKZHVW 5HJLRQ 'LUHFWRUV &OD\ : (ZLQJ, German American, Jasper .XUW ' 5RVHQEHUJHU, Our Community Bank, Spencer 0DWWKHZ +RZUH\, North Salem State Bank ,%$ 6WDII 3UHVLGHQW &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IÀFHU ........................................................... 6 -RH 'H+DYHQ ExecutiveVice President .............................................................. 3DXO : )UHHPDQ &$( SeniorVice President–Government Relations ........................................ $PEHU 5 9DQ 7LO -' Vice President–Meetings & Events ............................................ &KULVWLQD 0 %HQQHWW &03 Vice President–Government Relations ........................................................... 'D[ 'HQWRQ Vice President–Products & Services ................................................................. 5RG /DVOH\ Vice President–Education & Training ........................................................... /DXULH $ 5HHV Vice President–Communications .................................................................. /DXUD :LOVRQ Events & Communications Assistant ............................................................... 6XVDQ &ODUN Education Meeting Coordinator ................................................................. 0DUOHQH :HOOV Education Meeting Coordinator ........................................................... 0LW]L 0 &KULVWLDQ Staff Accountant ....................................................................................... 7LPRWK\ )U\ IT and Facilities Manager ...................................................................... 7UDF\ :DLQVFRWW Administrative Assistant ........................................................................... 0LFKHOOH /RQJ *RYHUQPHQW 5HODWLRQV 2IÀFH 0DQDJHU ...................................................... -RVKXD $ 0\HUV (PDLO DGGUHVVHV )LUVW LQLWLDO RI WKH VWDII PHPEHU·V ÀUVW QDPH SOXV ODVW QDPH H[DPSOH MGRH#LQGLDQDEDQNHUV RUJ 3OHDVH VHQG QHZV UHOHDVHV WR ,%$FRPPXQLFDWLRQV#LQGLDQDEDQNHUV RUJ 0LVVLRQ To advocate for and sustain an environment in which banks can succeed. 9LVLRQ To provide exemplary service to members as the premier state bank trade association in the country. 9DOXHV ,Q IXOÀOOLQJ RXU PLVVLRQ we will: 0DLQWDLQ WKH KLJKHVW HWKLFV LQWHJULW\ DQG respect for others; 6HUYH ZLWK SURIHVVLRQDOLVP innovation and resourcefulness; ,QVWLOO SDVVLRQ SRVLWLYH attitude and enthusiasm; 5HPDLQ PLQGIXO WKDW the success of the IBA LV MXGJHG E\ WKH VXFFHVV of its members. View Hoosier Banker Digital at www.ourdigitalmags.com/ publication/?m=19522&l=1. 3XEOLFDWLRQ 'LVFODLPHU Hoosier Banker articles are published by the IBA Service Corp., a subsidiary of IBA Holding Company Inc., that is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Indiana Bankers Association. All material published in Hoosier Banker and/or on the IBA website is the property of the Indiana Bankers Association.