15 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ юѦ 2014 Centier Bank, Northern Indiana, has donated $3 million to senior care facilities in Pilgrim Manor, Plymouth; Byron Health Center, Fort Wayne; St. Anthony Healthcare, Lafay- ĴDzȱȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ǰȱȱȱ with the Senior Housing Crime Prevention Foundation (SHCPF). Representatives from the bank, SHCPF and the Indiana Bankers Association visited the senior facilities in April for presentation of plaques, DVDs and donation checks. SHCPF is a nationwide organization that provides safe and secure living environments for residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities through the Senior Crimestoppers program, a coordinated set of components designed to create a zero tolerance to crime in senior housing facilities. Features include personal lockboxes for the residents, cash rewards up to $1,000 paid anonymously for information about wrongdoing of any kind, and ongoing ȱȱȱȱěȱȱȱǯȱ Senior Crimestoppers has reduced crime in participating facilities by 94 percent. Because many senior home residents are low- and moderate-income individuals, bank participation in SHCPF ¢ȱęȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ȱǯȱ IBA partners with SHCPF to enable member banks to participate. For more information, please contact Rod Lasley at řŗŝȬřŞŝȬşřŞŖǰȱDZȱ ¢ȓǯǯȱ 6+&3) 3UHVHQWDWLRQV +LJKOLJKW 6HQLRU &ULPHVWRSSHUV Shown at the presentation to Golden Living Center are (left to right): Steve Watts, community bank president, Centier Bank, Northern Indiana; Carissa Stivers, social director of Golden Living Center of Mishawaka; Sheila Sieradzki; vice president of business banking, Centier Bank; and Rod Lasley, vice presidentproducts & services, Indiana Bankers Association. CAPTIVE INSURANCE FEASIBILITY AND MANAGEMENT DELAWARE AND NEVADA INVESTMENT SUBSIDIARIES AND HOLDING COMPANIES CUSTODY PORTFOLIO ACCOUNTING INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Mindy Riddle Mary Alice Avery ©2012 Wilmington Trust Corporation. Affiliates in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Cayman Islands, Channel Islands, Dublin, Frankfurt, London, and Luxembourg. All rights reserved. The business world is an increasingly volatile place. Managing through change demands the expertise that Wilmington Trust clients have come to expect. We bring a world of experience to the table. We’ve been there, we’re ready, and we’re capable of things you haven’t even imagined yet. Entity Management Experience Lives Here GET IN TOUCH WITH EXPERIENCE TODAY BY CALLING 302.636.6127. Richard Klumpp