2014 Vol. 98 No. 5

24 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ юѦȱ2014 GR SPOTLIGHT Tax reform, excessive regulation, credit union taxation, DoddFrank Act implications, oversight and rulemaking of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Š›Žȱ˜—•¢ȱŠȱŽ ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ’œœžŽœȱŠěŽŒ’—ȱ the banking industry. This is another important election year, and elected ˜ĜŒ’Š•œȱŠ›ŽȱŽŠŽ›ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽŠ›ȱ ‘Šȱ‘Ž’›ȱ banking constituents have to say. The Indiana Bankers Association Annual Washington Trip is your opportunity to explain to elected ˜ĜŒ’Š•œȱ‘˜ ȱ‘Žȱ•Š œȱ‘Ž¢ȱ Ž—ŠŒȱŠěŽŒȱ¢˜ž›ȱ‹Š—”ȱŠ—ȱ¢˜ž›ȱ community. Every year the number ˜ȱ‹Š—”Ž›œȱŠĴŽ—’—ȱ‘Žȱ ȱŸ’œ’ȱ has increased, and our congressional delegation has noticed. Let’s increase participation again this year! Sept. 7-9, we will be making our annual trek to Washington DC. We will be calling on all nine House members and both senators to discuss legislation that is being considered, Š—ȱ‘˜ ȱ‘Šȱ•Ž’œ•Š’˜—ȱŠěŽŒœȱ Indiana banks. We will also visit ‘Žȱ ĜŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ˜–™›˜••Ž›ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ Currency, Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., CFPB and the Department of the Treasury. This is our best opportunity to come face-to-face with decision-makers and ‘Ž•™ȱ‘Ž–ȱž—Ž›œŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ›ŽŠ•ȱŽěŽŒȱ that current and future regulations will have on the survival of the banking community. Every IBA member should be part of this trip. Because we encourage Š••ȱ —’Š—Šȱ‹Š—”Ž›œȱ˜ȱŠĴŽ—ȱ‘Žȱ Washington Visit, there is no ›Ž’œ›Š’˜—ȱŽŽǯȱ ŽȱŠœ”ȱŠĴŽ—ŽŽœȱ˜ȱ ™Š¢ȱ˜—•¢ȱ‘Ž’›ȱ›ŠŸŽ•ȱŒ˜œœȱǻ̒‘ȱŠ—ȱ hotel), and the IBA will pay for all group meals and city transportation. This trip will likely change your opinion of the impact that one banker can have on the legislative process. To register, click the link for the Washington DC visit on the IBA webpage, www.indianabankers.org. See you at the Capitol!  Join Us for the 2014 IBA Annual Washington Trip яќѢѡȱѡѕђȱ Ѣѡѕќџ Amber R. Van Til, JD, is senior vice presidentgovernment relations of the Indiana Bankers Association. She can be reached at 317-917-8047, Ž–Š’•DZȱŠŸŠ—’•ȓ’—’Š—Š‹Š—”Ž›œǯ˜›ǯ 5HJLVWHU IRU WKH ,%$ 5HJLRQDO 0HHWLQJV Registration is open for this year’s series of IBA regional meetings. Each meeting begins at 11 a.m. local time with an IBA update and regional peer discussion, followed by lunch with local legislators. There is no Œ‘Š›Žȱ˜ȱŠĴŽ—ǯ Please consider taking advantage of this valuable opportunity to network with area bankers and with the legislators who represent you and your customers. The success of these meetings depends upon solid ‹Š—”Ž›ȱŠĴŽ—Š—ŒŽǯ % June 10 – Merrillville – Cooper’s Hawk Winery and Restaurant % ž•¢ȱŞȱȮȱ ŽěŽ›œ˜—Ÿ’••ŽȱȮȱ žŒ”‘ŽŠȱ Mountain Grill % July 9 – Evansville – Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano % July 15 – Bloomington – FARM Restaurant % July 17 – Spiceland – Montgomery's Steakhouse % July 29 – Indianapolis – Columbia Club % Aug.19 – Fort Wayne – Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano % žǯȱŘŗȱȮȱ ŠŠ¢ŽĴŽȱȮȱ Ž›Ž—’™’¢ Details are available on the IBA website at www.indianabankers. org, or contact Josh Myers at řŗŝȬşŗŝȬŞŖŚŝǰȱŽ–Š’•DZȱ“–¢Ž›œȓ indianabankers.org. 