32 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ юѦȱ2014 *UHHQÀHOG %DQNLQJ &RPSDQ\ ȱ Ĵ¡ has been named senior vice president. She additionally serves as branch administrator and cashier. Kathy Trautmann has been named vice president. She also is manager of the electronic services center. Brad McClarnon has been named assistant vice president. He additionally serves as loan Ĝǯ VW 6RXUFH %DQN 6RXWK %HQG Renée Fleming has been promoted to assistant vice president and personal trust administrator. She has been with the bank for 15 years, ȱ¢ȱȱȱȱęȱ consultant in the 1st Source asset adviser group. Fleming is active in the community, is a regular presenter with the Saint Mary’s College women’s entrepreneur program and holds securities and insurance licenses. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA from Indiana University-South Bend. &RPPHUFH %DQN (YDQVYLOOH B. Eugene Dawson has joined the bank as senior vice president of commercial banking. He previously was employed at United Fidelity Bank for 12 years in a similar capacity. Dawson’s early career was developed at Citizens Bank and Integra Bank in southern Indiana markets. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Evansville ȱȱȱęȱȱǯ It’s an old business adage, but it’s true. The right team can make all the difference. So we make sure our accountants and risk management, tax, and technology consultants are knowledgeable and approachable. They genuinely care about the success of your bank to bring you a higher return on experience. Rob Bondy , Steve Schick, Mike Stearns, Elizabeth Snyder, Joe Oleksak Call for a complimentary consultation 877.622.2257, x34013. banks.plantemoran.com {Good People.} Jenna Gannon has been named assistant cashier. She also serves as assistant manager of the New Palestine Ĝǯ BANKERS ON THE MOVE &RQWLQXHG