2014 Vol. 98 No. 6

21 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ Ѣћђ 2014 Bath State Bank donated T-Bone, one of a few steers, to the ŽĴ•Žȱ ›ŽŽ”ȱ Œ‘˜˜•ȱ District for its beef project corral in April. Hagerstown Future Farmers of America students will raise and feed the steers as an educational tool. In August, the bank held a contest during Customer Appreciation Day to name the steer. Salin Bank and Trust Company, Indianapolis, ˜—ŠŽȱ’œȱ Š›’˜—ȱ Downtown Banking Center Building to Grant County. The former banking center is a 17,000plus-square foot, three-story building that is valued at $368,000. The county intends to use the building to relocate ‘Žȱ —›Ž ȱ ǯȱ Ž—Ž’Œȱ Š ȱ —˜›ŒŽ–Ž—ȱ ›Š’—’—ȱ Ž—Ž›ǯ The Farmers Bank, Frankfort, sponsored a Food Finders ˜‹’•Žȱ Š—›¢ȱȮȱŠȱ˜˜ȱ’ŸŽȬŠ Š¢ȱŠ¢ȱȮȱ˜—ȱ Š¢ȱŜȱŠȱ ǯȱ ŠĴ‘Ž ȱ —’Žȱ Ž‘˜’œȱ ‘ž›Œ‘ǯȱ ‘Žȱ–˜‹’•Žȱ™Š—›¢ȱ is a program available to those who meet certain income guidelines.  BANKING ON COMMUNITY The Farmers Bank, Frankfort, helps sponsor a Food Finders Mobile Pantry ´IRRG JLYH DZD\µGD\ Krissy Myers, Bath State Bank agriculture loan RIÀFHU LV SLFWXUHG ZLWK PHPEHUV RI WKH +DJHUVWRZQ ))$ DQG 6XSHULQWHQGHQW :LOOLDP 'RHULQJ The former Marion downtown banking center building was donated by Salin Bank & Trust &RPSDQ\ WR *UDQW &RXQW\ 7KH EXLOGLQJ LV located on the southwest corner of Washington DQG 7KLUG VWUHHWV Patrick R. Ralston, vice president of business, economic development and government relations at First Financial Bank, Terre Haute, was honored, along with his wife Nancy, with an honorary degree of associate of science for college and community service from Ivy Tech Community College. Ralston has served at the bank since 2004, while also serving 10 years on the Ivy Tech Foundation board of directors and various other Ivy Tech Œ˜––’ĴŽŽœǯȱ ȱ ’Ž—Š–ȱ Š›ȱŸŽŽ›Š—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ǯ ǯȱ ›–¢ǰȱ‘Žȱ has received the Distinguished Alumni Award and Jones ŽŠ•ȱ›˜–ȱ —’Š—Šȱ ŠŽȱ —’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱŠ—ȱ‘›ŽŽȱ ŠŠ–˜›Žȱ of the Wabash awards. Dorothy Douglassǰȱ žžŠ• Š—”ǰȱ ž—Œ’Žǰȱ ‘Šœȱ‹ŽŽ—ȱ‘˜—˜›Žȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱ ¡ŒŽ••Ž—ŒŽȱ in Human Resources Award from the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. She was nominated for her strong impact on the ‹Š—”ȂœȱŒž•ž›Žǯȱ ˜ž•Šœœȱ•Žȱ‘Žȱ žžŠ•- Bank HR team to an implementation of an electronic human resource information system and also serves as leader and executive liaison for the employee recognition program, employee wellness ™›˜›Š–ȱŠ—ȱŽ–™•˜¢ŽŽȱŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱŒ˜––’ĴŽŽǯȱ ’’˜—Š••¢ȱ ˜ž•Šœœȱ Šœȱ˜—Žȱ˜ȱ‘›ŽŽȱꗊ•’œœȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ ȱ ›˜Žœœ’˜—Š•ȱ of the Year award, also awarded by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. ˜›Žȱ‘Š—ȱŠȱ˜£Ž—ȱ–Ž–‹Ž›ȱ’—œ’ž’˜—œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ —’Š—Šȱ Bankers Association were honored in April as “Top 200 Community Banks” in the country by American Banker magazine. A total of 851 institutions nationwide qualiꎍȱ˜›ȱŒ˜—œ’Ž›Š’˜—ǰȱ›˜–ȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱŘŖŖȱ‹Š—”œȱ Ž›ŽȱŒ‘˜œŽ—ǰȱ by posting a three-year average return on equity of 8.66 percent or higher. IBA-member institutions included in the listing were ranked as follows: No. 13 - First Farmers Bank and Trust Company, Converse śŜȱȬȱ ˜›’£˜—ȱ Š—”ǰȱ ǰȱ ’Œ‘’Š—ȱ ’¢ 77 - Tower Bank, Fort Wayne (acquired by Old National Š—”ǰȱ ŸŠ—œŸ’••ŽǼ 90 - First Robinson Savings Bank, NA Illinois 92 - Farmers State Bank, LaGrange ŗŘŝȱȬȱ ’ŸŽ›ȱ Š••Ž¢ȱ ’—Š—Œ’Š•ȱ Š—”ǰȱ Š’œ˜—ȱ 129 - Community Bank Shares of Indiana Inc., New Albany 134- Fowler State Bank ŗřśȬȱ Ž˜™•Žœȱ Š—”ǰȱ ž—œŽ› 166 - First Federal Savings Bank, Huntington 167- The Farmers Bank, Frankfort 180 - Jackson County Bank, Seymour ŗŞŝȱȬȱ ’›œȱ ŠŽȱ Š—”ȱ˜ȱ ’•Ž‹ž›¢  HONORS