12 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ѢљѦȱ2014 Continued from page 11. ing beyond its original mission to compete against the private sector in a way that was never intended. “The result is that the banking world is now competing against its own government. That’s not healthy. My next project is to bring these government-sponsored enterprises back into line. “I also have been surprised to learn how much the largest banks control deposits. About 80 percent — it’s substantial. And it’s been a surprise to learn how powerful New York is. “A lot of policymakers look at Wall Street, but not at Indianapolis or Fort Wayne or LaGrange or any rural community. We need to drive the message that economic opportunity goes beyond large cities. There’s much opportunity throughout the rest of the country to tap into. “Finally, I have learned that we can ȱȱěǯȱ ȱȱȬ preferred securities issue came out last December — which was going to ěȱȱȱȱ¢ȱȱ ¢ȱ at a very bad time — the banking community went to work, and we went to work. In the end, we were able to get a favorable decision.” How did you enter politics? “I never expected to be in politics. I enjoy my life in agriculture. We also own a trucking operation, and my wife Christy has operated a small retail business. ȱȱȱȱȃ ȱęȱȱȱȱ politics on Sept. 11, 2001. Christy and I were in Florida with our oldest son Payton, who was three weeks old at the time. As we were driving back home, we talked about 9/11 and wondered what America would look like for our son in 25 years. “Christy and I felt that we had to do something, so we started Ĵȱȱ ȱĴȱ meetings. Before we knew it, we were ȱȱĜȱǰȱ ȱȱĴȱ encouragement and a lot of hard work, we won in 2002. “I began my term in the Indiana House of Representatives. Being in our part-time legislature worked well with farming. I could be in Indianapolis January through April, then return to farm life. “One year of sine die, I was in the Statehouse casting last votes one night, then driving a tractor back in Howe the next morning. I liked that schedule. It’s important that our state legislators stay involved in the private sector to understand the challenges that business owners face when government gets too heavily involved in our economy.” How has your rural agricultural background shaped you? “Growing up on a farm teaches a lot of values — the value of money, the value of hard work and the value managing half a billion 16 years in business, worth of assets Managing Your Wealth, Securing Your Future 5 2HY^PJR 9VHK 4PJOPNHU *P[` ^^^ OHYIV\Y[Y\Z[ JVT >L Z[YP]L [V WYV]PKL [Y\S` WLYZVUHS ZLY]PJL WY\KLU[ PU]LZ[TLU[ N\PKHUJL HUK HZ[\[L YL[PYLTLU[ HUK LZ[H[L WSHUUPUN HK]PJL MVY V\Y JSPLU[Z >L YLZWLJ[ [OL [Y\Z[ JVUÄKLUJL HUK SV`HS[` WSHJLK PU \Z I` V\Y L_PZ[PUN JSPLU[Z HUK SVVR MVY^HYK [V VMMLYPUN V\Y WYVMLZZPVUHS HK]PJL HUK JV\UZLS [V [OL UL^ JSPLU[Z ^L TLL[ More than 200 years of combined experience in: ;Y\Z[ HUK ÄUHUJPHS ZLY]PJLZ >LHS[O THUHNLTLU[ 9L[PYLTLU[ M\UKPUN ,Z[H[L HUK [H_ WSHUUPUN We look forward to helping you make the most of your financial future. Rep. Marlin Stutzman pitches for victory at a congressional baseball game.The annual event is an historic matchup, with Democrats on one team and Republicans on the other.