13 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ѢљѦ 2014 Bankers gather for a mid-week banquet during the Commercial Lending School in Indianapolis, held June 8-13. Shown are (front row, left to right): -RH %UDPPHU, Merchants Bank & Trust Company,West Harrison; )UDQN 7LMHULQD, Farmers State Bank, LaGrange; *HRIIUH\ 2GOH, Community Bank, Noblesville; (OOLRWW 6RPHUV, Citizens State Bank, Fishers; %LOO /XGZLFN, Merchants Bank & Trust Company,West Harrison; (row two, left to right): $QVOH\ +ROW, Springs Valley Bank & Trust Company, Jasper; $OLVD 0RUHKRXVH,The Fountain Trust Company, Lafayette; 0LNH %DVV,TIB-The Independent BankersBank, Indianapolis; (OL]DEHWK 0HDG, Merchants National Bank, London, Ohio; .HOVH\ +HWULFN, Farmers & Merchants Bank,West Lebanon; 5HJLQD /DX[,The National Bank of Indianapolis; $OGLV .RUH, MainSource Bank, Greensburg; -DPLH 0DWWKHZV, First Merchants Bank, NA, Muncie; (YHUHWW / 0HW]JHU,The Fountain Trust Company, Lafayette; %UDQGRQ 7KRPSVRQ, Kentland Bank, Roselawn; and (back row, left to right): -RQ & 3LHUFH, German American,Washington; &KULVWRSKHU +HDG, First Federal Savings Bank, Evansville; 6KDURQ ( 0LOOHU,The Napoleon State Bank; -HVVLFD %URGRFN, Farmers State Bank, Fremont; 6KHLOD ) 6LHUDG]NL, Centier Bank, Mishawaka; %ODLU 0 6WDQRMORYLF, 1st Source Bank, Chesterton; /DXUL $ (DVK, Farmers State Bank, Howe; -RVK .HLSSHU, Farmers State Bank, LaGrange; &KULVWRSKHU 6FKHLGOHU,The Napoleon State Bank; : /HH 7KRPDV, The New Washington State Bank, Charlestown; $GDP 6FKXOW] *UHHQÀHOG %DQNLQJ Company; and (ULF 0 &DYH, First Financial Bank, Columbus. *UDGXDWHV RI ,%$ &RPPHUFLDO /HQGLQJ 6FKRRO The Stutzmans reside in Howe, Indiana. Shown are (left to right): Christy Stutzman, sons Payton and Preston, and Congressman Marlin Stutzman. of relationships. Agriculture also creates an understanding of how ȱȱȱȱěȱ your business, and the importance of being active and engaged to make your voice heard. “I was a Farm Bureau board member, and whether it’s Farm Bureau or IBA, being active and visiting with your legislators goes a long way. “Farming is also a lesson in managing money. In agriculture, you can never completely determine your income. It’s an estimate, and that window is wide. “Plus you don’t always have control over your expenses and the ȱȱĴȱȱ crop out. Finally, you can’t control the environment that the crop is raised in, so farming teaches us to be conservative and to manage our risk appropriately. “I still get back to the farm as often as I can. It’s home, and it helps keep me grounded. The family values that I learned on the farm remain very important to me.” TOMORROW’S FUTURE BEING BUILT TODAY Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley September 8 - 10 For More Information Contact Brianna Karmi, 800/662-7044 or bkarmi@ncbankers.org AMERICAN MORTGAGE CONFERENCE