15 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ѢљѦ 2014 regulatory environment and knows Indiana banking. Let Infotex help get your bank through the ongoing IT challenges of the industry. To learn more about Infotex, contact Rod Lasley at 317-387- 9380, email: rlasley@indianabankers.org. Infotex can be reached directly at 800-466-9939, www.Infotex.com, Consultants to the Financial Industry Young & Associates, Inc. Liquidity Planning Strategic Planning Regulatory Assistance Stock Valuations Capital Markets Expansion & De Novo Bank Charters Internal Audit Information Technology Recruitment & Human Resources Lending & Loan Review Compliance Policy Development Serving Community Banks Since 1978 A primary responsibility of the Indiana Bankers Association is to develop and maintain products ȱȱȱ ȱęȱȱ IBA membership. In discharging this responsibility, there can ȱęȱȱȱȱȱ Preferred Service Provider (PSP) relationship. IBA’s rigorous selection process includes a thorough due diligence review: company history, ęȱȱ¢ǰȱ reference checks and search of business records. Criteria for PSP designation include: % Ȭȱęȱȱ only to IBA members: cost savings and/or income Dz % Business opportunity for the IBA: Each PSP contributes ęȱȱȱȱ Association through marketing fees or royalty payments. For more information about PSP relationships, please contact Rod Lasley at 317-387-9380, email: rlasley@indianabankers.org. :KDW ,V D 3UHIHUUHG 6HUYLFH 3URYLGHU" Dan Hadaway, Infotex, was featured as the August 2013 cover story of Hoosier %DQNHU The article included a video of Hadaway explaining,“How to Secure Your iPad.” To view, click on the red arrow in +RRVLHU %DQNHU 'LJLWDO at www.indianabankers.org. 9LGHR %RQXV ȱ ǰȱ ȱ , partnered with ITT Technical Institute in May to ěȱȱȱȱȱ presentation for its student graduates. Students were given handouts regarding budgeting and participated in discussions on the importance of saving money, establishing ȱȱ¢ȱěȱȱ loans. FINANCIAL LITERACY DIGEST Cathy Blaho, client service counselor for Centier Bank, Northern Indiana, conducts a budgeting and saving presentation for ITT Technical Institute students.