2014 Vol. 98 No. 7

25 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ѢљѦ 2014 relationships with state legislators can develop and strengthen through various personal and professional links. Participating in local church, chamber of commerce and other civic group activities can help to develop ‘˜œŽȱŒ˜——ŽŒ’˜—œȱ’—ȱœŽĴ’—œȱ˜žœ’Žȱ of the bank. ŽŒ˜–ŽȱŠȱ”Ž¢ȱŒ˜—ŠŒȱ‹Š—”Ž›ǯȱ It is vital for IBA to keep tabs on legislators’ voting records and positions on issues. To assist, the Association has created a corps of key contact bankers. These bankers are IBA members who are acquainted with legislators in their Š›ŽŠœǯȱ Ž›’˜’ŒŠ••¢ǰȱ ȱ’ŸŽœȱœ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ assignments to key contact bankers to reach out to their legislators on issues ‘Šȱ–ŠĴŽ›ǯ ȱ ‘ŽœŽȱŒ˜––ž—’ŒŠ’˜—œȱŽě˜›œȱ•ŽŠȱ to more motivated involvement and ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ›Žœž•œǯȱ ›ŽšžŽ—ȱ’—Ž›ŠŒ’˜—ȱ with members of the Legislature is critical to building trust and to fostering understanding of banking topics. *RLQJ )RUZDUG Big public policy issues have a way of motivating even the busiest bank CEO into action. Whether ’Ȃœȱꐑ’—ȱ˜ȱ™›ŽœŽ›ŸŽȱ‘Žȱ ž‹•’Œȱ Deposit Insurance Fund, securing the reduction of the Financial Institutions Tax, protecting lien rights, challenging the lending habits of the Farm Credit System or shouting from the rooftops about the unfairness of the credit union tax exemption, many IBA members embrace the challenge. But much more remains to be done. Many of our member bankers have yet to engage in grassroots activities within the Association. ŽȱŒŠ—ȱ˜ȱ‹ŽĴŽ›DZȱ ˜ž›ȱŸ˜’ŒŽȱŠ—ȱ ¢˜ž›ȱœ˜›¢ȱ–ŠĴŽ›ǯ Don’t miss the opportunity for your bank to have a seat at the table. œȱ Žȱ˜Ž—ȱœŠ¢ȱŠȱ‘Žȱ ȱ˜ĜŒŽœǰȱ ȃ ȱ¢˜žȱ˜—Ȃȱ‘ŠŸŽȱŠȱœŽŠȱŠȱ‘ŽȱŠ‹•Žǰȱ you are probably on the menu.”  1RWH For assistance in becoming more informed through IBA grassroots efforts, please contact Josh Myers at 317-917-8047, email: jmyers@ indianabankers.org. Mark Wade - Carmel, IN - 317.523.4342 Madison, WI ‡ Des Moines, IA ‡ Indianapolis, IN ‡ 6SULQJ¿HOG ,/ www.BankersBankUSA.com Years of proven experience. The team of professionals we have assembled at Bankers’ Bank provides a level of expertise and service unparalleled in the marketplace. Partnering with us supplies your bank with countless years of proven industry know-how. Let our team go to work for you, supporting your goals and aiding you in serving your customers. Always your partner, never your competitor.™ Amplify is a public relations and grassroots Žě˜›ȱŽŸŽ•˜™Žȱ‹¢ȱ‘Žȱ –Ž›’ŒŠ—ȱ Š—”Ž›œȱ Association with help from banking professionals. Available to all bankers — both ABA members and nonmembers ȯȱ’ȱ˜ěŽ›œȱ˜˜•œȱ˜ȱ‘Ž•™ȱ›Ž‹ž’•ȱ‘Žȱ image of banking. For more information, visit www.amplifybankers.com.  Žě˜› Ž Associa pro bo ȯim visit $PSOLI\ <RXU (IIRUWV