32 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ѢљѦȱ2014 BANKERS ON THE MOVE &RQWLQXHG )LUVW )DUPHUV %DQN DQG 7UXVW &RQYHUVH ȱ ¢ȱhas joined the bank as branch manager, Kokomo Square banking center. She has 13 years of banking experience, including previous positions as assistant branch manager, mortgage closer and loan processor. Beverly serves with the United Way, Kokomo Rescue Mission and the Kokomo Tornado Relief Unit. She Ĵȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ǯ ȱ ¢ȱhas joined the bank as assistant vice president and branch manager, Russiaville and Sheridan branches. He has seven years of banking experience. Roy serves with the Chamber of Commerce and assists sporting events with the Merrillville School Corp. He is a graduate of Indiana University. ȱ has joined the bank as branch manager, Kokomo North banking center. He has 16 years of banking experience, including previous positions as vice president, branch ȱȱȱĜǯȱ ȱ serves as an Indiana High School ȱ ȱĜǰȱ ȱ basketball coach. He is a graduate of Ball State University. ȱ ȱ has been promoted to vice president, regional branch manager of the bank’s southwestern branches. She has nine years of banking experience, including previous positions as personal banker, branch manager and mortgage loan Ĝǯȱ ȱȱȱȱ of the Paris Business Women’s Club and director of the Paris Chamber of Commerce. She is a graduate of Harrison College. ¢ȱ ȱhas been promoted to ȱȱĜcer, serving Howard county. Howell has 12 years of banking experience, including previous positions as internal service representative, customer service representative ȱȱǯȱ ȱĴȱ Indiana University Kokomo and volunteers with her church. ȱ ȱ has joined the bank as branch manager, Kokomo South banking center. She ȱęȱ¢ȱȱ banking experience, as well as 13 years of management experience. Keppner serves as co-chair for the Kokomo Strawberry Festival, PTO treasurer at Northwestern Elementary School and Ĵȱȱȱȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ¢ȱȱ ǯȱ ȱĴȱ Ivy Tech Community College and University of Southern Indiana. ȱ ȱ has joined the bank as assistant vice president, mortgage lender, North Judson banking center. She has 15 years of banking experience, including previous positions as busi- ȱǰȱȱȱĜȱ and branch manager. McCormack serves as a board member for the LaPorte County Purdue Extension ofęǯȱ ȱĴȱ ȱ ¢ȱ North Central. ěȱ ȱhas joined the bank as vice president, regional branch manager of the bank’s northern branches. He has 43 years of banking experience, including previous positions as director of operations and mortgage banker. Milner volunteers as a coach for ¢ȱǯȱ ȱĴȱ ȱ University. ¢ȱ ȱhas joined the bank as commercial/ agricultural lender, Converse banking center. Nagel has been in banking for one year. He is a graduate of Purdue University. ȱ ȱ has joined the bank as assistant vice president, mortgage lender, Tipton and Sheridan banking centers. She has eight years of banking experience, including previous positions as personal banker ȱęȱȱǯȱ Owens has served as the E-911 director for Tipton County. She is a graduate of Indiana University. ȱ ȱ has been promoted to senior vice president, chief retail banking Ĝǯȱ ȱ has seven years of banking experience, including previous positions as cash ȱĜǰȱȱȱ ȱȱȱĜǯȱ ȱȱȱ &RQWLQXHG RQ IDFLQJ SDJH