34 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ѢљѦȱ2014 BANKERS ON THE MOVE &RQWLQXHG ADVERTISERS INDEX The Baker Group .........................................Inside front cover Bankers' Bank................................................. 25 Great Lakes Capital Fund............................ 22 Harbour Trust & Investment Management Company................................................... 12 IBA Annual Washington Trip.......................... 8 IBA Group Insurance Trust........................... 3 IBA Mortgage Compliance School .....................................Outside back cover The KeyState Companies .........................................Inside back cover Krieg DeVault LLP......................................... 27 Premier Capital.............................................. 30 Regulatory Feedback Initiative....................17 Stock Yards Bank & Trust Company............. 7 Young & Associates Inc.................................15 )DUPHUV 6WDWH %DQN /D*UDQJH ȱ ȱ has been promoted ȱȱĜȱ and retail manager. She has been with the bank for 14 years, serving in positions including mortgage loan originator, commercial loan processor and loan secretary. Booth serves as secretary for the ȱ Ĵȱȱ ȱ County Community Foundation. She earned an associate’s degree from Ivy Tech Community College. ȱ ȱhas been promoted to vice president and business development Ĝǯȱ ȱȱ been with the bank for 23 years, serving in positions including branch manager, commercial lender and mortgage processor. She has been an ambassador with the LaGrange County Chamber of Commerce and ȱȱȱęȱȱȱȱ board for the Howe United Methodist Church. ȱ has been promoted to ȱĜȱȱ branch manager, Orland/Howe banking center. Ross has eight years of banking experience, including previous positions as lead teller, personal banking representative and assistant branch manager. )LUVW )LQDQFLDO %DQN 1$ &LQFLQQDWL Ĵȱ ¢ȱhas been promoted to commercial relationship manager, serving the Bloomington area. He has eight years of banking experience. Murphy is an ambassador for the Bloomington Chamber of Commerce, serves as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and coaches ¢ȱǯȱ ȱĴȱ ȱ University. ȱ has joined the bank as vice president and commercial relationship manager, serving the Indianapolis area. He has 19 years of banking experience. Reis volunteers as a youth coach for various sports. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a master’s degree from the University of Colorado at Denver. Stephanie Warthan has joined the bank as banking center manager, Bloomington banking center. Warthan has 21 years of banking experience. )LUVW 6WDWH %DQN RI 0LGGOHEXU\ ȱ ȱhas been promoted to assistant vice presi- ȦȱĜǯȱ She has 16 years of banking experience. Klein is a member of the Exchange Club and serves on the board of directors for the United Way of Elkhart ¢ǯȱ ȱĴȱ ȱ Michigan College and is a graduate of the Elkhart Chamber of Commerce Leadership Academy. 67$5 %DQN )RUW :D\QH ȱ has joined the bank as vice president, senior retail sales manager, serving the Fort Wayne, Columbia City, Marion and Kokomo markets. Brennan has 10 years of banking experience.