2025 Vol. 109 No. 2

BOK Financial® and We go above. So you can go beyond.® are trademarks of BOKF, NA. Member FDIC. Bank dealer services offered through BOK Financial Capital Markets, which operates as a separately identifiable department of BOKF, NA. BOKF, NA is the bank subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation. Investment products are: NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE We go above. So you can go beyond. Seeking a fresh perspective on your interest rate risk and balance sheet management? As a community banker, your time is valuable. With mounting margin pressures, maximizing earnings from your investment portfolio is crucial. Our unique approach integrates portfolio management within the overall interest rate risk position, optimizing balance sheet performance. At BOK Financial Capital Markets, we help you navigate regulatory requirements with a comprehensive, cost-efficient, tailored solution to enhance your institution’s performance by engaging your management team to formulate ideas and execute strategies that drive results. Budgeting Profit projections ALCO Capital planning Decay/beta analysis Regulatory compliance Investment portfolio Investment mix Interest rate risk Loan pricing Board education Liquidity stress testing Brokered funding SCAN TO LEARN MORE OR VISIT BOKFINANCIAL.COM/INSTITUTIONS