Tammy Coats Shane Collins Kevin Collins Ray Cottrell, Jr. Larry Craig Joe Cross THANK YOU, 2024 KADET PRESIDENT’S CLUB NEXTGEN PRESIDENT’S CLUB MEMBERS Trey Blakley Phillip Gill Bob Hook, III Kameron Huffman Alex Pogue Deborah Renshaw Parker KADET contributes to those state legislators who listen to the concerns of dealers and carefully consider the costs of proposed laws and regulations and demonstrate fairness on issues impacting Kentucky’s automotive retail industry. Legislators and regulators in Kentucky can have a huge impact on dealer operations. That is why we need your help with continuous fundraising to ensure we have strong advocacy efforts. 100% of PAC contributions received from dealers go to support legislators who support our industry. The stakes are too high not to plan for the future. With KADET, you put money into something that protects your dealership, your family and your livelihood. Your contributions drive our industry forward! Joe Cummins David Daunhauer John Daunhauer Jeff Eickholz Vickie Fister Travis Flaherty Tom Gill Gary Haupt Kim Huffman Mike Hyde Ed Hyde David Jaggers Tim Kanaly Rob Marshall David Moore Mark Pogue Mark Porter Dan Renshaw Mark Schaeffer Nancy Sparks Tim Sparks Carl Swope Dwain Taylor Mike Tewell Fred Tolsdorf WWW.KYADA.COM 17