Pub. 2 2024 Issue 4

Connecting With Fellow Dealers Paxton King, Chairman, MADA The recent MADA regional meetings were a tremendous success. Traveling across the state with MADA President Marty Milstead gave me the opportunity to connect with fellow dealers and our industry partners. I want to extend a special thanks to the sponsors who made the regional meetings possible. A highlight of the meetings was hearing from various state leaders, including senators, representatives and the lieutenant governor in Jackson. One of the key responsibilities of the MADA chairman is to attend the annual NADA Washington Conference. The purpose of this event is to bring automobile dealers from across the country to meet with members of Congress and Senate, discussing issues critical to our industry. It had been years since my last visit to our nation’s capital, but walking the marble floors of the U.S. Capitol left a profound impression on me, reinforcing the importance of our association and its work on behalf of our dealers. With all the developments in Washington, without us directly bringing our message to Congress, our concerns clearly would not receive the attention they deserve. As expected, the primary focus of our conversations centered around electric vehicles (EVs). While the current administration demands more EVs to be produced, we as dealers face pressure from the manufacturers to overstock them, even as consumer demand remains inconsistent. However, we expect the EV mandates to change with the election of President Trump. Later in this publication, you will find a list of the dealers who contribute to the NADA PAC and the MADA Auto PAC. Having active political action committees is a vital part of our grassroots strategy. Years ago, our association leaders recognized the importance of supporting candidates who understand and advocate for our industry. This year, our NADA PAC supported Sen. Roger Wicker, Congressman Michael Guest, Trent Kelly and Mike Ezell. MADA Auto PAC contributed to Sen. Jenifer Branning in her race for the Mississippi Supreme Court. I am so proud of the way dealers make a difference. The story in this issue where Bell Ford and Oxford Toyota make it a mission to help those in need is a great example. Lastly, congratulations to Trudy Moody, the 2025 Mississippi TIME Dealer of the Year nominee! This is a well-deserved honor, and I know Trudy will represent MADA with distinction when she is recognized in New Orleans. It is an honor to serve as your chairman. Thank you again for this opportunity, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can be of assistance. Sincerely, Paxton King Chair’s Message 4