2024 Pub. 5 Issue 4

home. Virginia must recommit to its community college system. We need more support for instructors, updated equipment and a fresh approach to how we prepare young people for high-tech, skilled careers. We must work harder to provide opportunities for economic mobility for all Virginians. I spoke with Chancellor Doré, and it is clear the community colleges and dealers share a mutual interest in providing life-changing opportunities to kids and meeting the needs of the Commonwealth’s business — and retail automotive — community. Virginia’s dealers have a role to play — whether through advisory councils, apprenticeships or financially supporting automotive programs. Ultimately, investing in community colleges is about giving back to the industry that has given so much to us while building a capable, local workforce ready to support Virginia’s automotive future. ULTIMATELY, INVESTING IN COMMUNITY COLLEGES IS ABOUT GIVING BACK TO THE INDUSTRY THAT HAS GIVEN SO MUCH TO US WHILE BUILDING A CAPABLE, LOCAL WORKFORCE READY TO SUPPORT VIRGINIA’S AUTOMOTIVE FUTURE. HOW CAN VIRGINIA DEALERS GET INVOLVED? VADA Field Rep. Pat Martin and General Manager Bruce McGeorge are leading our effort to forge new relationships between dealers, community colleges and ASE certification. Contact Pat at pmartin@vada.com or Bruce at bmcgeorge@vada.com to get started. In addition to the community college bus tour, Don also joined Sen. Travis Hackworth for an elk tour in Tazewell County. vada.com 5