Shawn Ball is the dealer principal at L&S Toyota of Beckley in Beckley, West Virginia. His long-standing commitment to service in his community has earned him all the recognition that comes with being nominated as the 2025 TIME and Ally Financial Dealer of the Year. Through hard work and determination, Shawn overcame many obstacles and attained the American dream. He never forgot his humble beginnings and has, without fanfare, done so much to help the less fortunate, especially the children in his community. We recently sat down with Shawn and learned more about his life and career, as well as his advice for others in the industry. We want to thank Shawn for his time. The following are excerpts from our conversation. What has been the most rewarding part of your career? What I’ve done for my employees is the most important and rewarding part for me. There’s no way I can be successful unless they’re successful. I’ve had that philosophy since I started in this business. I’ve always been very employee-centric, ensuring they all make good money, are happy and have good family lives. To accomplish this, on any given day, I have to be a part-time psychologist, attorney, accountant or whatever role is needed. When I meet someone new and they ask me what I do for a living, I say, “I’m an HR director” because that’s what this world has become — the world of business. 2025 TIME Dealer of the Year Nominee Shawn Ball Helping employees when they are in need is essential — it’s the difference between a successful company and a failing company. I’ve always tried to offer my employees the very best 401(k)s. In addition, I offer a matching SMART529 college savings account. So, if I have an employee who wants to send their kid to college, they can put money in every month, and I’ll match it. One of my managers told me he paid his daughter’s entire college tuition from the 529. She made it through college, and he did not take one penny out of his pocket. I was one of the first to offer the matching 529, and the state treasurer of West Virginia was so impressed that he brought me to Orlando, to the National Treasurer convention, to speak about what I was doing. There were about 200 treasurers in the audience. I was asked the question, “Why would why would you do this?” I answered, “Because you guys all suck.” The audience looked at me, and they all started dying from laughter. I was supposed to talk for 15 minutes but it ended up being an hour. They wouldn’t let me leave. Throughout my career, I’ve always tried to do things differently, to do the last thing anyone would ever expect you to do because that’s what people remember. And I’m pretty sure that room full of treasurers remembers me. Please tell us about any notable accomplishments. I have had so many things going against me throughout my life, but I am loyal and have a strong work ethic. I did horribly in school. I WVADA NEWS 17