Pub. 11 2024 Directory

The following board members were elected and their terms began Dec. 13, 2024: • Illya Azaroff, FAIA, as 2025 President-Elect/2026 President. • Joshua Flowers, FAIA, as 2025-26 Secretary. • Matthew Toddy, AIA, as 2025-27 At-Large Director. The other aspect of the business meeting included a focus on the economic health of AIA and how the business side of the organization is being handled. The national organization is working to compensate for reduced income this last year. According to the board of directors and executive director, reduced operating budget as well as attempts to increase membership are priorities. For those who have never attended the Conference on Architecture and Design, you should consider putting the 2025 conference on your calendar. The event will be held June 4-7 in Boston. Your time there will be well spent and a boost to your day-to-day work and career! Small Firm Exchange BY LEWIS MATTHEW MILLER, AIA The mission of the AIA Small Firm Exchange (SFx), an AIA member group, is to advance the mutual interests of architects practicing in small firms. The objectives of the AIA SFx are three-fold: advocate for the value of small firms, the national SFx and local SFx groups, both within the AIA and to the public; curate and disseminate the most pertinent resources and information from the AIA and elsewhere that benefit small firms; and inform the AIA of current issues facing small firms and areas in which current resources/information are lacking. The AIA SFx is made up of state representatives. AIA Wyoming’s state representative is Ansley Mouw, AIA, and the AIA SFx vice chair of state representatives is Lewis Matthew Miller, AIA. The current evolving structure of the AIA SFx and the AIA SFx Board comes out of the changes implemented by the AIA Adaptive Reuse of State Components as a result of the elimination of regions from the AIA structure. The AIA SFx is continuing to evolve with the AIA governance structure. As Wyoming is a state primarily made up of small architectural firms, the AIA SFx provides a unique opportunity for AIA members to engage and participate with the broader AIA community and leadership. The current transition of AIA SFx began in 2022, providing a great possibility to help shape the future of AIA Wyoming’s connection to the American Institute of Architects across the membership. 17