• For the first time, included a YAF representative to serve on each of the Strategic Council study areas. • Local and regional programs and events leveraging YAF leadership. Looking Forward YAF is currently studying the relevance of its current committee name (Young Architects Forum) and whether members feel accurately represented as young architects. Through ongoing studies and stakeholder engagement, YAF looks forward to releasing our findings and recommendations regarding whether an updated name to better represent our demographic is appropriate. My Role The Communications Committee is working on: • Quarterly open mic nights to provide knowledge, interaction and an opportunity for young architects to hear advice, share knowledge and a platform to be heard and connect. • Helping with a report called “You’re Licensed, Now What?” to help guide newly licensed architects with the opportunities and resources available to them going forward at this critical stage in their career. • Budget cuts to the AIA: fNow more involved in the planning, location and travel/lodging for the 2025 in person YAF meeting. fGoal is to still hold an in-person meeting within a smaller budget but may not be able to fully cover travel and expenses as in previous years. Photo by Jason Takeuchi, YAF Chair Photo by Jason Takeuchi, YAF Chair 22 WYOMING ARCHITECTURE .24 | www.aia-wyoming.org