AIA 2024 Young Architects Award Winner Danny Wicke, Principal at Prospect Studio in Wilson, Wyoming, has been named a recipient of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2024 Young Architects Award. Wicke’s innovative designs and commitment to sustainability have set him apart, showcasing a blend of creativity and pragmatism in his approach to architecture. Wicke continues to shape the architectural landscape with his innovative projects and inclusive ethos. His receipt of the AIA 2024 Young Architects Award cements his status as a rising star in the profession — as well as within Wyoming — promising even greater contributions in the years to come. Follow Prospect Studio and Danny on Instagram @prospectstudiojh and @dwicke. What is the most important lesson you learned over your career? You need to be a good listener. I would take somebody with me in the early stages of meeting with clients. That person would take notes so I could concentrate on gathering the information from the client that I needed to be successful. So often, projects go wrong because somebody didn’t listen to the clients’ needs and wishes or didn’t fully understand them. I also learned that there are so many new products on the market and everybody claims that the products are better than what they used to be. I always took the time to research a product before I would buy into it wholesale. It may look pretty, it may be really nice, but it may only last 5-10 years, and then it would have to be replaced. Longevity is a key component for client satisfaction. What advice would you give to a young architect? To be successful, you have to have a willingness and eagerness to learn and be a good listener. Being flexible, adaptable and patient is also important. I have had multiple projects that took many years to actually see them to completion. Continuing to assist my clients in any way I could and working with them was well worth it. In this profession, you’ve got to be able to think on your feet. When you get a phone call from a contractor saying, “Hey, this just happened,” or “We did this, and this isn’t going to work,” how do you solve that problem? You don’t have days and weeks to figure it out. You’ve got to be able to come up with a solution rather quickly. All in all, the Architectural profession was very rewarding and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I am thoroughly enjoying retirement, traveling, my family and grandkids. 34 WYOMING ARCHITECTURE .24 |