associationFOCUS | Volume 8, Issue 2
increasing list of companies that are starting to realize they can monitor everything we do and provide personalized customer service and new benefits in real time. WHAT EXACTLY IS “YOUR DATA?” Now is the time to think about it. Who should own your data? This is a vital topic with many predict - able problems we need to start solving today, before they wreak havoc on us tomorrow. If you sign up for an app like TikTok, you likely agree to terms and conditions at one point or another. This is your consent to allow a social media app like TikTok to access your personal information; however, in many cases, the informa - tion they harvest is merely what you populate the app with. So, the short answer to who owns your data is the app or social media platform, if outlined in their terms and conditions. But, is the only way to take control of your data by having an avoidance relationship with social media? As mentioned in the new car example, avoidance will not work. The smarter devices on the market become, the more naturally vulnerable we are to losing personal control of the data we supply. The key here is understanding that we supply the data they have access to. If understanding how our data is handled in this ever-expanding digital age is important, where do we start? NEW OPPORTUNITY IN A NEW FRONTIER The Hard Trend, or future certainty, in all of this is that the rate of technological change will only continue to increase; therefore, our only “defense” is to educate ourselves. » Start by using trusted online services that outline that they will not sell your informa - tion to third-party vendors. » When it comes to entertainment-based technology, such as social media, limit sensi - tive data you do not wish to share. In many cases, you must, at the very minimum, use your name and email address, but that is about it. You are smarter than the machine; use critical thinking when navigating this digital frontier. So, in short, while the data you input may be owned by several others, you still control your data and where you input it. Be cognizant of how much you share with the world, and if you step outside of those boundaries, understanding where it goes is half the battle. Daniel Burrus is considered one of the world’s leading futurist speakers on global trends and disruptive inno - vation. The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in highest demand as a speaker. What You Will Learn: Profit From Disruption and Change You pay for shipping ($8), We pay for the hardcover book. Get Daniel’s best seller for just the cost of shipping! BECOME A POSITIVE DISRUPTOR association FOCUS | 19
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