2021 FOCUS Flipbook
21 Which brings us to associate members, and why they join associations. The general consensus is that they want more business from your members. Your association is a target rich environment. When examining print and digital magazine platforms, a survey of 3,500 consumers by IPC Media showed that print ads were more likely than digital ads to inspire a purchase – from a brick-and-mortar store or online. While it’s no surprise that digital platforms are more apt to trigger online searches for information on products and services, a healthy 57 percent of respondents say that print magazines inspire them to search online. A Nielsen Catalina study for Meredith shows an average ROI of $7.81 for every one dollar spent on print ads. Almost half of those surveyed preferred to look at an ad in a print magazine, and only 1 in 10 preferred to see the same ad in a digital version – and none want to see ads in apps. Print magazines are probably the best way for your associate members to reach their target audience for products and services – one of the main reasons – they joined your association. Target Rich Environment
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