2015 Vol. 99 No. 11

12 Hoosier Banker November 2015 During the Washington visit, representatives of the Indiana Bankers Association presented a donation to ICBPAC, the political action committee of the Independent Community Bankers of America. Shown are (left to right): S. Joe DeHaven, IBA president and CEO; IBA Chairman Larry W. Myers, First Savings Bank, Clarksville; Camden R. Fine, ICBA president and CEO;Amber R.Van Til, IBA executive vice president; and ICBA Indiana State Director David M. Geis, Jackson County Bank, Seymour. Indiana. During my visits I was cordially met by every bank president. I appreciated that these bank leaders took time out of their schedules to meet with me and listen to my presentation about the importance of attending the Washington trip. Some meetings were short and to the point, and for others we had more time to talk about our banks’ opportunities and challenges. Due to a last-minute cancellation, I was able to extend my time with Kip and Campbell White, along with Brian Dowers, at The Fountain Trust Company in Covington. Having our discussion in their courtyard on a sunny spring day was a memorable way to spend an afternoon. There are too many travel Thank you to the following associate members, who supported the 2015 IBA Annual Washington Trip through generous sponsorship: Continuity Independent Community Bankers of America Equias Alliance Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis Krieg DeVault LLP SmithAmundsen LLC t Trip Sponsors “Each bank plays a significant role in making Indiana communities vibrant and unique … It makes me proud to say I am a Hoosier banker.” observations to detail here, plus some great stories to tell. Some banks have been surprisingly innovative in their business lines, while many others follow the traditional community bank model. I can say there was a common theme that ran through every visit: All of the bankers were extremely proud of their communities and of their banks. I witnessed activities, such as Mike Zahn of First Federal Savings Bank in Huntington leading a lunch meeting of the local economic development council. Or Kent Parisien of The First National Bank of Odon coaching the local high school football team. I saw where banks like MainSource Bank in Greensburg and Lake City Bank in Warsaw have invested their capital to revitalize dark commercial spaces in their cities to be used by their institutions. Each bank plays a significant role in making Indiana communities vibrant and unique. In almost every community, the bank was the nicest building in town, providing the most professional jobs. It was also apparent that each of our banks provides the fuel for the economic engine of communities across the state. It makes me proud to say I am a Hoosier banker. I was pleased with the support and involvement that every Indiana bank has with the IBA. All of the bankers touched could say they use the IBA’s educational programs and support the Association’s legislative initiatives, and also attend the Mega Conference and/or Annual Convention. It is said that an organization is only as strong as it members. With the IBA, we have a bright future ahead. As I wrap up my year as chairman, there are many people to thank. I appreciate the time that Rod Lasley spent arranging our northern IndiIBA Annual Washington Trip 2016 Help take the message of bankers to the nation’s capital by joining next year’s IBA Annual Washington Trip. Dates have been set for Sept. 25-27, 2016; details forthcoming. Join your fellow bankers, and be heard! Continued from page 10. ana meetings, and then serving as my driver to each of those locations. Thanks to Joe DeHaven for being an outstanding leader of the IBA and a great friend throughout this process. I would like to thank my board and staff for allowing me the flexibility in my work schedule to devote a significant amount of time to the IBA and our industry. Of course, I thank my wonderful wife Debbie, who tolerated many evenings alone and many late nights when I finally came home. And, finally, I thank you. It has been a privilege and honor to serve as your 2015 chairman of the Indiana Bankers Association. t