2015 Vol. 99 No. 11

25 Hoosier Banker November 2015 The La Porte Savings Bank sponsored the La Porte County Symphony Orchestra in September with $3,500 for the fall “symphony and science children’s concert.” The special concert is performed for 5,000 students and teachers from La Porte, Lake and Porter county schools. The mission is to enrich the children’s cultural lives through the experience of live orchestra performances. The bank has sponsored the event for 12 years. Home National Bank, Thorntown, participated in the Boone County Relay for Life, raising $5,922. Bank employees raised the funds through candy sales and holiday gift wrapping, and by making noodles to sell before Easter and Thanksgiving. Home National Bank, Thorntown, donated $2,050 to the Boone County Cancer Society. The funds, raised through dress-down days held on Fridays and Saturdays at the bank, were presented to the cancer society’s Battle of the BBQ in August. t 1st Source Bank, South Bend, donated $1,000 in September on behalf of Laura Francesconi to the Worthy Women Recovery Center in La Porte and $1,000 on behalf of Beverly Goff to the Redemption House in Fort Wayne. Both donations, at the request of Francesconi and Goff, were made in recognition of their selection for the bank’s Ernestine M. Raclin Community Leadership Award. The donations will be used to help women transition back into their communities in their roles as mothers, employees and citizens. First Bank Richmond, NA, has finalized a gift agreement with Ivy Tech Community College-Richmond to create an endowed scholarship, which will assist Wayne County students pursuing a degree in the school of business. Chase Bank, Indianapolis, in association with the Indiana Association for Community Economic Development (IACED), in September awarded a $60,000 grant to support the Indiana Assets and Opportunity Network, a statewide coalition co-led by IACED, the Indiana Institute for Working Families and the Local Initiatives Support Corp. The grant will be used to help preserve and expand Earned Income Tax Credits, eliminate asset limits and reform payday lending, among other strategies. Banking on Community 1st Source Bank, South Bend, presents a donation check to Worthy Women Recovery Center. Pictured (left to right) are: Sonshine Troche, executive director of Worthy Women Recovery Center; 1st Source regional president Matt Vessely; Laura Francesconi; and Worthy Women Recovery board members Trudy Menke and Pat Fleming-Graham. 1st Source Bank, South Bend, presents a donation check to the Redemption House. Pictured (left to right) are:Tomi Cardin, Redemption House executive director; Beverly Goff; and Brittainy Chaffee, 1st Source banking center manager. The La Porte Savings Bank president, Michele Thompson, presents a donation check to La Porte County Symphony Orchestra (LCSO) interim executive director Tim Kin (left) and LCSO board president Michael Drayton. Home National Bank employees are pictured at the Boone County Relay for Life. Pictured (left to right) are Regina Graddy,Teresa Burtner, Lisa Henry, Dan Fry, Ashlee James, Jessica Endsley, Katy Taylor (crouching) and Jody Durham. Home National Bank employees present a donation check at the Boone County Cancer Society’s Battle of the BBQ. Pictured (left to right) are Teresa Burtner, Kourtney Fussell, Dan Fry, Joy Kaylor of Boone County Cancer Society, Lisa Henry, Regina Graddy,Ashlee James and Jody Durham.