2015 Vol. 99 No. 5

14 Hoosier Banker May 2015 Nearly 50 bankers attended the inaugural “Day at the Statehouse,” hosted by the Future Leadership Division (FLD) of the Indiana Bankers Association on March 16. The purpose was to help FLD members gain firsthand knowledge about the legislative process and a deeper understanding of the importance of grassroots advocacy. The FLD represents emerging leadership in the Indiana banking community. The event, held at the Hilton Downtown Indianapolis and Indiana Statehouse, opened with an introduction from FLD President Lucas White, who welcomed attendees and encouraged future grassroots and FLD involvement. The morning continued with a “Lobbying 101” session, presented by Amber Van Til, IBA’s senior vice president-government relations, and myself, also a lobbyist with the GR Team. We were fortunate to have guest presenters volunteer their time to round out the event. In a panel discussion format, Rep. Dan Forestal, D-District 100, and Sen. Travis Holdman, R-District 19, talked about the educational value of grassroots lobbying from a legislator’s viewpoint. Following the panel discussion, Joe DeHaven, IBA president and CEO, addressed the audience about their importance to the future of the industry. Our guest speaker at the mid-day luncheon was Matt Whetstone, parliamentarian of the House of Representatives, who offered helpful insights into the workings of the General Assembly. After lunch, the GR Team reviewed bills of interest, then attendees and staff walked across the street to the Indiana Statehouse in time for the start of afternoon sessions. It was a busy day on premise, with multiple advocacy groups present and eager to share their various points of view. Throughout the afternoon, FLD members had the opportunity to observe proceedings and meet with legislators. By the end of the day, FLD’s first annual Day at the Statehouse was deemed as a success, having reached a significant portion of IBA’s future leaders. t GR SPOTLIGHT About the Author Dax Denton is vice president-government relations of the Indiana Bankers Association. He can be reached at 317-917-8047, email: ddenton@indianabankers.org. FLD Hosts Successful ‘Day at the Statehouse’