10 Hoosier Banker August 2015 COVER STORY Capstone Benefits Group: Culture of Caring Carol Jobe is senior consultant of Capstone Benefits Group, and Aaron Curtis is founder and principal. Perhaps it is the nature of its caregiver-related work that makes possible the altruistic culture of Capstone Benefits Group, headquartered in Indianapolis. Or maybe it is because the company is deeply rooted in the Midwest, known for homespun hospitality. Or it might be because most of the company’s employees have worked together for years, colleagues even before the company was formed. Whatever the reasons, the result is a unique company culture that includes staff pitch-ins, prayer meetings, and end-of-week conversation and refreshments every Friday afternoon. The formula seems to work, as Capstone successfully brings robust health and welfare plans to the employees of the Indiana banking community through the IBA Group Insurance Trust, a Preferred Service Provider of the Indiana Bankers Association. Capstone Benefits Group is administrator of the Trust. Hoosier Banker recently interviewed Aaron Curtis, Capstone founder and principal, and Carol Jobe, senior consultant. What does Capstone Benefits Group offer to IBA-member banks? Aaron: “We’re the administrator of the IBA Group Insurance Trust. We don’t pay the claims ‒ that’s done by the insurance company ‒ but we do all the behind-thescenes eligibility work. We do the customer service work, account management, sales, accounting and underwriting. “We’re the program manager, and we are here to serve the members of the IBA Trust. When IBA members have questions, they come to us. Judy Nordhoff, eligibility manager/client advocate, often assists our clients, as well as Nan Gill, vice president, and Rachel Smith, account executive. We also have a sales consultant, Stephen James, who calls on banks and their insurance agents.” What is Compliancedashboard? Aaron: “Compliancedashboard is a calendarized, Web-based tool that Capstone created seven years ago in response to the needs of trade association plans. The product helps IBA-member banks know what to do to remain compliant. There are 60 or 70 federal laws that impact group insurance plans, some of which are the responsibility of the Trust, which we take care of. Compliancedashboard helps banks with the laws that are the employer’s responsibility. “It works by sending an email to the individual at the bank responsible for human resources, indicating that there is a compliance activity to complete. Then Compliancedashboard sends a brief explanation with a list of five or six related tasks. The HR person completes the tasks, clicks the ‘Done’ button, and then the ‘Submit’ button. Compliancedashboard date-stamps and records the compliance activity for entry into a permanent record, which can be used in audits.” Carol: “Feedback has been really positive. It’s a great tool for HR professionals.” Capstone also offers Web-based enrollment. What are the benefits? Aaron: “Historically HR functions were not secure, since they were paper-based. Web-based is passcode-secure, and it’s much easier and faster. “It actually helps prevent mistakes through rules-based technology. If an individual puts in 1858 as a birth date, rather than 1958, the system will kick it back out. “This technology is optional, for those who want to use it. Out of the 80 or so banks we have enrolled, all but three or four use it.” Carol: “We first offered it several years ago, but back then it was a bit too futuristic. Now most groups are interested.” Aaron: “HR people wear 14 hats. We recognize that it’s difficult, and we’re doing everything we can to make their lives easier.” How is Capstone addressing cyber security issues? Aaron: “We have two places where we have to be secure: Capstone’s server, including email; and