2015 Vol. 99 No. 8

11 Hoosier Banker August 2015 Continued on page 12. Carol Jobe and Aaron Curtis have been working together in the benefits industry for nearly 25 years. {Elevate your view.} Sometimes the best solutions are revealed when you change your perspective — and finding the right perspective is easier when you have knowledgeable advisors. Our experienced team can serve your audit, tax, internal audit, loan review, regulatory compliance, IT audit, and security assurance needs, delivering a higher return on experience. Robert Bondy 616.643.4013 banks.plantemoran.com Michael Stearns 269.567.4614 laptops, cell phones and anything mobile on which we can receive HIPAA-protected information. Within the last 18 months, every piece of equipment that we have has been encrypted. “The server is encrypted. We’ve upgraded our firewall twice in the last year. Even cell phones are encrypted, protected with sevendigit, alphanumeric passwords. To get through the encryption, there is first a passcode, so there are two levels of security to get into our computers. “We’ve also instituted protocols with our employees about the use of the equipment. If you lose your cell phone, there are staff you can call ‒ even in the middle of the night ‒ who can remotely wipe it completely clean. “Additionally there is Benefit Solver, the system we lease for billing and eligibility. Benefit Solver invests heavily in security and is ranked as one of the top secure benefit administration platforms in the country.” How has healthcare reform affected the health benefits industry? Aaron: “It hasn’t accomplished what we thought it would. It’s called ACA, the Affordable Care Act, yet it hasn’t made health insurance any less expensive. In fact it’s made it more expensive, plus added multiple layers of bureaucracy. “But we’ve adapted, and our benefits administration business can take care of a lot of the complex issues for employers. But for employers themselves, healthcare reform has made it difficult to the extent that some small employers have chosen to drop their health insurance entirely. “In all fairness, though, ACA has made coverage available to some people who have not had it in the past. In that respect, it has seen some success.” What are your responsibilities for Capstone Benefits Group? Aaron: “First it’s important to understand that I’m just one of two principals, along with Dan Bond. Plus there are a lot of others who are behind this entire concept. “My function is to serve as the lead adviser for our multiple-employer clients. I manage the benefits administration portion of our business and the sales staff. Dan Bond is the architect and the brain trust behind Compliancedashboard. “As time goes along, I’m spending more time with Dan setting strategic direction for the company as we grow. We’ve grown a lot in the last couple of years, doubling from a staff of 10 to 20. We want to continue to fuel that growth. “Also I’m spending more time taking care of people and making sure that our employees have the tools they need. We want to create a positive work environment: a happy place to come to everyday. As we gain more employees, being able to create that environment is challenging, but it’s a good challenge, one that I like. “My motivation is not to create greater output or different output.