2015 Vol. 99 No. 8

17 Hoosier Banker August 2015 A primary responsibility of the Indiana Bankers Association is to develop and maintain products and services that will benefit the IBA membership. In discharging this responsibility, there can be benefits to entering into a Preferred Service Provider (PSP) relationship. IBA’s rigorous selection process includes a thorough due diligence review: company history, financial statement analysis, reference checks and search of business records. Criteria for PSP designation include: • Value-added benefits available only to IBA members: cost savings and/or income enhancements; • Business opportunity for the IBA: Each PSP contributes financial support to the Association through marketing fees or royalty payments. For more information about PSP relationships, please contact Rod Lasley at 317-387-9380, email: rlasley@indianabankers. org. The Senior Housing Crime Prevention Foundation offers a threeminute video overview of financial exploitation of the elderly. To view, go to Hoosier Banker Digital at indianabankers. org, and click on the red YouTube arrow. Video Extra There are two main reasons a financial institution should become involved with the SHCPF Senior Crimestoppers program: It’s the right thing to do, and it is good business. It’s the right thing to do, because our vulnerable elderly have given much to our communities and deserve to live in safety. It’s good business, because the bank connects with a lucrative affinity group, while gaining CRA credit. For more information about the Senior Housing Crime Prevention Foundation, contact Sue Shaffer at 877-232-0859, email: Sue.Shaffer@ SHCPFoundation.org. t What Is a Preferred Service Provider? CONTACT BILL UELMEN AT 702.598.3738 OR VISIT WWW.KEY-STATE.COM TO LEARN MORE. THIS INDEPENDENT, COST EFFECTIVE SERVICE INCLUDES: DOES YOUR ASSET LIABILITY PROCESS MEET EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT STANDARDS? KEY STATE’S ASSET LIABILITY MANAGEMENT PROCESS VALIDATION SERVICE WILL ENSURE THAT IT DOES. • RISK MANAGEMENT AND RELATED POLICY REVIEWS • ASSET LIABILITY COMMITTEE GOVERNANCE EVALUATION • ALM MODEL CONTROL AND ASSUMPTION DEVELOPMENT • REPORTING AND OUTCOME ANALYTICS