36 Hoosier Banker August 2015 Super Market at 555 Jackson Blvd., features side-by-side banking and a walk-up ATM. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by Elkhart mayor Dick Moore and representatives from the Greater Elkhart Chamber, Martin’s Super Markets and the Council on Aging of Elkhart County, who were recipients of a $500 donation from the bank as a part of the celebration. t Springs Valley Bank & Trust Company, French Lick, celebrated the opening of a new Paoli banking center with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 1. Members of the community and local government officials joined the bank’s board and staff to open the full-service banking center, located at 867 N. Gospel St. A grand opening celebration, held June 1-5, included activities, prizes, promotional offers and a bank donation of $500 to the Paoli Community Food Bank. Centier Bank, Northern Indiana, celebrated the grand opening of a new banking center in downtown Indianapolis with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on July 2. Located at 1 N. Pennsylvania St., the office includes a full-service banking center, featuring retail and commercial services, and walk-up automated teller machine. As part of the celebration, the bank made donations of $500 to the Catch the Stars Foundation Inc. and to the Indianapolis Parks Foundation. 1st Source Bank, South Bend, celebrated the grand opening of a new Elkhart banking center on June 26. The banking center, located in the Jackson Boulevard Martin’s new BrAnChes, Buildings & openings Springs Valley Bank & Trust Company, French Lick, holds a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new Paoli banking center. Holding the bow of the dollar “ribbon” are Jamie Shinabarger (left), president and chief executive officer of Springs Valley Bank & Trust Company, and John Habig, chairman of the board of SVB&T Corp. 1st Source Bank, South Bend, holds a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of the bank’s Jackson Boulevard Martin’s Super Market banking center. Pictured (left to right) are: Greg Freehauf, Martin’s Super Markets chief financial officer; Elkhart mayor Dick Moore; David Toney, Council on Aging of Elkhart County; Kara Leach, banking center manager; Kyle Hannon, president/CEO of the Greater Elkhart Chamber; Bill Burton, 1st Source Bank regional president; Ray Birbaum, Martin’s Super Markets; and Jim Seitz, 1st Source Bank president. IBA 2015 Commercial Lending School Bankers gather for a mid-week banquet during the Indiana Bankers Association Commercial Lending School in Indianapolis, held June 7-12. Shown left to right are graduates: (row 1) Stephanie Fuchs, Citizens State Bank, New Castle; Lori Porter, Our Community Bank, Spencer; Meghan Buysse, First State Bank of Middlebury; Keri Carmichael, Home Bank, Martinsville; Cindy Schum, The National Bank of Indianapolis; (row 2) Reed Levits, MutualBank, Muncie; Matthew Roberts, Lafayette Community Bank; Robyn Palmer, MutualBank, Muncie; Jeanine Scheidler, First Financial Bank, Columbus; Mark Munzer, The New Washington State Bank, Charlestown; Larry Mulligan, First Financial Bank, Columbus; Susan Hinshaw, Merchants Bank of Indiana, Lynn; Kristi Manwaring, Farmers State Bank,Warsaw; (row 3) Mike Ott, STAR Bank, Fort Wayne; James Amodeo, First Financial Bank, NA,Terre Haute; Chad Shelley, First Merchants Bank, NA, Muncie; Steve Wilson,Wayne Bank and Trust Company, Cambridge City; Brian Haughn, First Merchants Bank, NA, Muncie; Kevin Crose, Peoples Bank, Munster; Austin Schultz, Jackson County Bank, Seymour; David Bedwell, Horizon Bank, NA, Michigan City; and Andy Skillman, First Bank Richmond, NA. Mike Schrage, president and chief executive officer of Centier Bank, addresses attendees of the grand-opening celebration at the bank’s new downtown Indianapolis banking center.