2015 Vol. 99 No. 9

24 Hoosier Banker September 2015 FEATURE It’s our frenetic, modern-day blessing...or curse, depending on your point of view. The world is continually evolving, churning and accelerating with new ideas and innovations. Knowledge is multiplying exponentially — and shared rapidly and widely. Technology is constantly providing new ways to work smarter and leaner, and to do and know more. It’s part of a dynamic imperative. Considering the remarkable product, service and operational changes your community bank has adopted in the past few years, this is no secret to you. It’s no different for the Independent Community Bankers of America, either. Because your community bank is not the same as it was a decade ago, ICBA isn’t the same national association as it was back then. Because your community bank won’t be the same five years from now, ICBA will change, too, to keep pace with your needs. Certainly ICBA’s principles and purposes do not change. Since its founding during the Great Depression, ICBA has remained the only national trade association that exclusively serves the nation’s community banks. We will only serve financial institutions upholding the philosophy and values of true relationship banking — and no others. Because of this, ICBA has no divided loyalties to serve. We will never be conflicted about what we say or do. We will always speak with a clear and uncompromising voice. From fighting counterproductive and unnecessary regulations and concentrated financial power, to preserving the value of federal deposit insurance and our uniquely diversified financial system, time and again ICBA’s decisive advocacy has made a pivotal difference. In fact ICBA’s position as the voice of community banks is undisputed in the nation’s capital. As just one example, for the past seven years, The Hill newspaper, a Capitol Hill insider’s publication, has identified ICBA as one of the most effective and influential trade associations operating in the nation’s capital. That’s an impressive tribute to ICBA’s grassroots membership and the political clout of community bankers. But ICBA knows that we can’t rest on our past successes. Recognizing the dynamic world in which we serve our members and in which our members compete, ICBA will always be seeking new ways to work smarter and deliver more. Our focus on continual effectiveness is reflected in ICBA’s expanding digital and social media advocacy resources that help community bankers communicate quickly and informatively — both individually and collectively — to members of Congress. Our responsiveness resulted in Community Banker University, ICBA’s new comprehensive education program that is offering community banks and their employees an expanding range of career and professional development options, from college-level instruction to the most timely and accessible online courses. Our awareness for innovation drives ICBA’s many product and service programs to expand and evolve continually in step with new industry demands, opportunities and innovations. I could cite more examples, but my main message is that while ICBA’s mission and core principles will never change, we will continue to evolve to serve our members. By looking to the future while keeping an eye on today, ICBA will continue to be your community bank’s first, most trusted and most dynamic resource. This is the only way to serve the vital, dynamic and essential industry that is community banking. t About the Author Camden R. Fine is president and chief executive officer of the Independent Community Bankers of America. He came to ICBA from Midwest Independent Bank, Jefferson City, Missouri, where he chartered and organized the bankers’ bank and served as president and CEO for nearly 20 years. A long-time member of ICBA prior to becoming the association’s president and CEO, Fine served on several association standing committees and on the ICBA board of directors. The author can be reached at: cam.fine@icba.org. Continual Change