2016 Vol. 100 No. 1

6925 Parkdale Place Indianapolis, IN 46254 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED THE IBA LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IT’S SIMPLE, BUT IT ISN’T EASY MARCH 22 - 25, 2016 DO SOMETHING THAT SCARES YOU MAY 11- 13, 2016 LIMITATIONS ARE SELF-IMPOSED AUGUST 24 - 26, 2016 WHO DARES WINS OCTOBER 26 - 28, 2016 An intensive, eight-month program, guaranteed to motivate and accelerate the development of leaders in the Indiana banking industry. Only 25 attendees are admitted to the program. Admissions are first-come, first-served. Applications Deadline is January 30, 2016 For more information contact Laurie Rees at (317) 387-9380 or visit indianabankers.org IB8198A_LEADERSHIP AD HB_IB7849 10/1/15 9:44 AM Page 1