2016 Vol. 100 No. 10

11 Hoosier Banker October 2016 Washington Trip coming up in two weeks, Sept. 25-27. We currently stand at 44 bankers, nine associate members, 12 spouses and five staff members, for a total of 70 people. That is 13 fewer bankers than last year, and about 20 fewer total attendees. So come on and add your name to the list. Your only cost is the transportation to and from DC and your hotel room. Meals and transportation in DC are paid by the IBA and associate member sponsors. This year has been an unforgettable experience. I appreciate the confidence that you showed in me by electing me to be your chair this year, and I thank you. t Photos from the 2016 IBA Annual Convention are available on pages 14-16. To view all convention photos, go to Hoosier Banker Digital at indianabankers. org, and click on the photo dates below: • Day 1 – Sept. 11 • Day 2 – Sept. 12 • Day 3 – Sept. 13 IBA Annual Convention Photos association in the country provides as much educational programming. Plus the IBA Mega Conference is the largest event hosted by a state bank trade association in the country, this year having nearly 90 booth spaces and over 1,350 attendees, which was a new record. The IBA Future Leadership Division continues to increase involvement. In the past few years, it has initiated an FLD Annual Conference held in November, an FLD Day at the Statehouse during the legislative session, and continues the Leadership Development Program that has been extremely successful. If you do not have people from your bank involved with the FLD, I urge you to take another look at it. This year also marks the 100th anniversary of Hoosier Banker magazine. Every month for the past 100 years, Hoosier Banker has been published, through world wars, depressions, high interest rates and low interest rates. Laura Wilson, IBA vice president-communications, has been responsible for the content, assembly and distribution of Hoosier Banker for the past 29 years. In December there will be a commemorative issue celebrating the past 100 years. Also 2016 marks 200 years of statehood for Indiana. Your Association was named the sponsoring partner by the Indiana Bicentennial Commission for the distribution of the bicentennial medal. Each of you have displayed in your offices order forms for this precious medal. Thank you for helping our industry be involved in this momentous occasion. The Indiana Bankers Association is undeniably one of the most successful state bankers associations in the country. The support of our members of the programs offered by the IBA is certainly the foundation upon which that success rests. Along with that is the depth, experience and quality of the staff. I have had the opportunity to visit with bankers and other state association executives during the past couple of years, and the high regard that is held of the IBA is obvious. It certainly has made me proud to represent all of you as chair this year. In the past year, IBA staff was recognized by the Indiana Society of Association Executives with its prestigious statewide Star Awards. Specific categories and individuals were: • Outstanding Individual Program or Event, won by Dax Denton and Christina Bennett for the FLD Day at the Statehouse. • Outstanding Non-Dues Revenue Program, won by Rod Lasley for the success of the IBA marketing package program available to IBA associate members. • Finally, Amber Van Til was named Association Professional of the Year. Amber is the sixth IBA staff member to win this award. No other association has won this award more than once. That certainly speaks to how highly the peers in the associations throughout Indiana regard the IBA staff. The IBA also recognized some staff members with promotions this year. As you know, this year we have focused on management succession, as Joe DeHaven is retiring at the end of 2016. In preparation for that, Amber Van Til was named president in March and will become president and CEO on Jan. 1, 2017. Dax Denton will assume the role of leading the IBA government relations efforts and was promoted to senior vice president of government relations. The IBA hired Erika Hall in May to work with Dax in the government relations area. Erika was named assistant vice president upon her hiring. One of my goals for this year was to take our Indiana BANKPAC program up to another level. We have been working hard to collect contributions to the PAC. As a result of efforts over the past several years, we have grown into one of the larger association PACs in Indiana. Last year we raised $267,000 for the PAC, and I thank you for making those donations. And I know that many of you have made donations in 2016, which I also thank you for. Another of my goals is to increase attendance to the IBA Annual Michael H. Head, president and chief executive officer of First Federal Savings Bank, Evansville, and 2016 chair of the Indiana Bankers Association, was honored as a Sagamore of the Wabash by Gov. Mike Pence at the 2016 IBA Annual Convention.