2016 Vol. 100 No. 10

5 Hoosier Banker October 2016 FEATURE CEO Ponderings S. Joe DeHaven, Chief Executive Officer, Indiana Bankers Association As I described in this column last month, I am using these last few months to say thank you and goodbye as I reach my chosen retirement date of Dec. 31, 2016. Last month I focused on the outstanding staff who collectively make the Indiana Bankers Association such a strong organization. This month I am highlighting another important constituency— elected officials. A primary function performed by the IBA is to represent the banking industry before the various levels of government: federal, state and occasionally local. The IBA Government Relations Team spends most of its time at the state level and with the Indiana delegation at the federal level. Over 26 years, I cannot begin to list all of the legislators who have supported our efforts to sustain a legal environment that allows banks to provide their important services to businesses, organizations and consumers. There have been so many outstanding individuals. Legislators often get a bum rap from voters and the media, but nearly all that I have ever worked with have come to their elected positions for the right reasons. They want to make a difference in their community, state or country. They want to leave the world a better place than what they found, so that their children and grandchildren can enjoy the same lifestyle or better. Legislators come to public service from all walks of life ‒ with vastly different backgrounds, experiences and philosophies ‒ which is what makes our system of governance the best in the world. While they are at times portrayed inaccurately as greedy, I have never found a single instance of that. Most of our legislators could make much more money in the private sector, so the greedy aspect just does not compute. Another misperception is laziness, but nothing could be further from the truth. Legislators work long and often difficult hours away from their families and homes. We should all appreciate the commitment displayed by these generous men and women. Be they Republican or Democrat, many have become good friends. I have worked with many banking committee chairmen and members in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Throughout the years, there were only a couple who did not grasp why it is important to maintain a strong banking system in support of a healthy economy. Currently we are fortunate to be working with Sen. Travis Holdman, a former banker who understands our business, and Rep. Woody Burton, a Realtor who works closely with the banking community. Legislative leadership also is important to our success. There have been several speakers of the House from both parties during my time, and it has been a pleasure to work with them. Unique to this business, there have only been two president pro tems from the Senate, Bob Garton and current leader David Long. Both have been strong leaders, and both have been friends. The current speaker is Brian Bosma, who also is my elected representative. Probably because he is my representative, I have been closer to him and am proud to call him a friend. All of these leaders have always opened their doors to me, and I appreciate and thank them for that. Washington, DC, is where I have spent much of my time in the past few years, as the issues there have been so important to bankers. Many good men and women have served Indiana during my career. Overall, however, today we are blessed with the strongest delegation in my time. Many came from state government, and some came from the private sector. Either way, all have become friends. We currently have Representatives Marlin Stutzman and Luke Messer serving on the U.S. House Financial Services Committee, and Sen. Joe Donnelly serving on the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs. It has been wonderful to have these three gentlemen working on behalf of the banking community, and I thank them for their support and tireless efforts on our behalf. Unfortunately, I have missed more people than I have recognized. For that I apologize. Thank you all for the sacrifices that you make to give us opportunities for a better life. I appreciate all that you do, and thank you for your work and your friendship. Together, I believe that we have accomplished much to advance life in Indiana! Indiana marks its 200th anniversary of statehood this year. As part of the yearlong celebration, the Indiana Bicentennial Commission has minted a commemorative medal, for which the IBA is the presenting sponsor. This sponsorship entitles IBA-member banks to serve as exclusive distribution points for official medal order forms. To facilitate bank participation, the IBA has provided kits to all member banks. Additionally downloadable promotional materials are available at: indianabankers.org/ bicentennial. For questions or more information, please contact IBA’s Christina Bennett at 317-387-9380, email: cbennett@indianabankers.org. t IBA-Member Banks Sponsor Bicentennial Medals