2016 Vol. 100 No. 11

26 Hoosier Banker November 2016 Continued from page 25. IT Auditing | Network Monitoring siem.infotex.com infotex est. 2000 activities are implemented and monitored for compliance. • Maintain a well-capitalized bank through effective capital planning. • Ensure the bank has positive impact on its community through providing banking services and meeting the credit needs of its community. • Avoid preferential transactions involving insiders or their related interests. “Know your regulators.” Depending upon the structure of the banking organization, any combination of the following regulators may have oversight authority: Federal Reserve, FDIC, Comptroller of the Currency, State Department of Financial Institutions, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Securities and Exchange Commission. It is incumbent upon a director to know the regulators of the banking organization and their expectations of directors. Knowing the regulators will provide the director with further insight into the director’s duties and responsibilities. Each regulator’s website can provide useful information in this regard. For example the OCC publishes The Director’s Book, and the FDIC publishes the Pocket Guide for Directors, available on their respective websites, in addition to other information related to corporate governance. Conclusion. Today, directors face significant complexities and requirements in their service. There is no substitute for active involvement by directors in the oversight of the banking institution. The tone for the organization is set at the top. Knowing duties, responsibilities and regulators not only helps directors avoid liability, but strengthens the banking institutions they serve. t Sandy Beard, core systems administrator, First Bank Richmond, NA, has completed 25 years of service with the bank. Mariann George, accounting officer supervisor, First Bank Richmond, NA, has completed 20 years of service with the bank. Paul Witte, senior vice president commercial lending manager, First Bank Richmond, NA, has completed 20 years of service with the bank. Marilyn Kaicy, business systems analyst, MutualBank, Muncie, has completed 20 years of service with the bank. t aNNiversary MilestONes A salute to bankers with 20+ years of service Debby Norris, MutualBank, Muncie, has retired as Albany financial center manager, after 30 years of service with the bank. t takiNg it easy