2016 Vol. 100 No. 11

8 Hoosier Banker November 2016 The American Bankers Association, the Independent Community Bankers of America and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors provided briefings on the most relevant, pertinent federal issues and proposed regulations, before we took to the Hill. On the first day of our visit, we met with officials from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the CFPB. On the second day of the trip, bankers visited each of the offices of the Indiana Congressional delegation. The large number of bankers who attended clearly made a recognizable impact on the regulators and the members of Congress. This year’s trip was marked with several special events. On Monday evening, the IBA hosted Representatives Todd Young, Larry Bucshon, Jackie Walorski and Todd Rokita at the Capitol Hill Club for dinner. All graciously shared their insights on our industry, and what we can expect from Congress over the next few months and coming year. On Tuesday evening, the group took in a Washington Nationals baseball game COVER STORY About the Author Dax Denton is senior vice president-government relations of the Indiana Bankers Association. He can be reached at 317-917-8047, email: ddenton@ indianabankers.org. In September the Indiana Bankers Association hosted a delegation of Indiana bankers on the 2016 IBA Annual Washington Trip to our nation’s capital. A strong contingent of 64 bankers, spouses and a handful of associate members – who generously sponsored events during the trip – joined us Sept. 25-27 in Washington, D.C. The timing was ideal, as Congress was in its final stretch of work before it was set to recess the following week, then return after the election. Indiana bankers met in person with almost every member of the Indiana congressional delegation, affording us the opportunity to voice concerns directly to decision-makers on Capitol Hill, plus at the regulatory agencies. Foremost topics included the CHOICE Act, a broad regulatory relief bill in the House, and regulatory relief in general, as well as both Farm Credit Services and credit union overreach. Many bankers also voiced concerns about the growing issue of data breaches and the future of additional regulations crafted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). to wind down a busy two days on the Hill. During the daytime on Tuesday, Sept. 27, the delegation had the distinct privilege to meet with House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas. This meeting was particularly timely, as Chairman Hensarling had recently authored and consequently moved through his committee a comprehensive regulatory relief bill labeled the CHOICE Act. It was apparent throughout our meeting that Hensarling shared a strong desire to enact meaningful regulatory relief, and that this goal would remain moving into the next Congress. He devoted substantial time to listening to our bankers as they shared concerns about the future of the industry. In addition our delegation met with the banking counsel staff member for Chairman Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, who currently chairs the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. The counsel outlined what the committee and Chairman Shelby have been working on related to regulatory relief from a Senate perspective. These meetings represented two significant opportunities to make Indiana bankers’ voices heard with the individuals who are key drivers in the push to find a solution to the growing challenges of regulatory burden. Many of the elected officials that we visited with expressed their frustration with the gridlock in Washington. Congress continues to enact very little in the way of Being Heard on the Hill: 2016 IBA Annual Washington Trip