2016 Vol. 100 No. 12

32 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ђѐђњяђџȱ2016 Continued from page 31. &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH Huntington National Bank, Indianapolis Not many companies can say that they’ve existed for a century and a ‘Š•ǰȱ‹žȱ ž—’—˜—ȱꛜȱ˜™Ž—Žȱ’œȱ doors on Jan. 2, 1866, at the corner of Broad and High Streets in downtown Columbus, Ohio – the same vicinity as its current headquarters. Since its founding, the bank has expanded its footprint to six key states, acquiring ‹Š—”œȱŠ—ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱ’—œ’ž’˜—œȱ with an equally rich heritage. In Indiana, the bank traces its roots to the Railroadmen’s Building and Savings Association, chartered in 1887 by the Union Railway Company’s paymaster, William T. Cannon. By the 1920s, Railroadmen’s had become the world’s largest building and loan, helping to build more than 100,000 Indianapolis-area homes by the late 1950s. Huntington acquired Railroadmen’s in 1993, expanding into Indiana. As Huntington National Bank celebrates its 150th year of service in ‘Žȱ ’ Žœǰȱ’ȱœ›’ŸŽœȱ˜ȱꗍȱ—Ž ȱ ways to strengthen its relationships with customers, colleagues and community. Huntington is a proud sponsor of the Children’s Bureau, the Wheeler Mission Drumstick Dash, ž—’˜›ȱ Œ‘’ŽŸŽ–Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ Š›ęœ‘ȱ Initiative, to name a few. Huntington continues to try do the right thing for colleagues, customers, shareholders and the community.  Huntington National Bank operates in six key VWDWHV 6KRZQ LV LWV ,QGLDQDSROLV FRUSRUDWH RIÀFH Jackson County Bank, Seymour In 116 years of service to the southern Indiana community, JCB has grown from one banking center in Seymour to nine banking cen- Ž›œǰȱ ’‘ȱŒŠ••’—ȱ˜ĜŒŽ›œȱ›ŽŠŒ‘’—ȱ throughout south central Indiana. It has been fundamental that the bank has grown withȱ’œȱŒžœ˜–Ž›œȱƺȱ—˜ȱ “žœȱŠ›˜ž—ȱ‘Ž–ȱƺȱ‹¢ȱ•’œŽ—’—ȱ˜ȱ their hopes and dreams, while helping them plan for and achieve their goals. The bank knows that everything its associates say, do and stand for must align with JCB values, which have been shaped throughout the years by the responsibilities to stockholders, commitments to high service levels, and the recognition of the extreme importance of fellow team members in carrying out JCB’s mission and vi- œ’˜—ǯȱ ‘Šȱ–ŠĴŽ›œȱ˜ȱŒžœ˜–Ž›œȱ–žœȱ Š—ȱ ’••ȱ–ŠĴŽ›ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‹Š—”ǯ While it is important to look back at the last 116 years to learn about ‘Šȱ–ŠĴŽ›œȱ›˜–ȱ‘Žȱ™Šœǰȱ™•Š——’—ȱ for what lies ahead is even more pertinent to maintaining customers’ Š—ȱŒ˜––ž—’’ŽœȂȱŒ˜—ꍮ—ŒŽȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ future. JCB’s commitment to help- ’—ȱŒžœ˜–Ž›œȱ’–™›˜ŸŽȱ‘Ž’›ȱꗊ—- cial wellbeing and growing their ‹˜Ĵ˜–ȱ•’—Žœȱƺȱ‹Žȱ’ȱ ’‘’—ȱ‘Ž’› Š–’•’Žœȱ˜›ȱ‹žœ’—ŽœœŽœȱƺȱ’œȱŠœȱ unwavering as ever.  ǁǁǁ͘ ũĐďĂŶŬ͘ ĐŽŵ Jackson County Bank is headquartered in Seymour. MutualBank, Muncie It’s ironic to say that for 127 years and counting, MutualBank has —ŽŸŽ›ȱŽę—Žȱ’œŽ•ȱœ˜•Ž•¢ȱŠœȱŠȱ‹Š—”ǯȱ Much more than a company that ˜—•¢ȱ™›˜Ÿ’Žœȱꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱœŽ›Ÿ’ŒŽœǰȱ’ȱ’œȱ people-seeking to help its neighbors •’ŸŽȱ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ•’ŸŽœǰȱžœ’—ȱ‹Š—”’—ȱŠœȱŠȱ platform to do so. MutualBank cares as much about community accomplishments as its ˜ —ǯȱ žȱ’쎛Ž—•¢ǰȱ‘Žȱ‹Š—”ȱŒŽ•Ž- ‹›ŠŽœȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ™˜›’˜—ȱ˜ȱ’œȱ—Š–Žǰȱ not just the last. MutualFirst Financial Inc. is the parent company of MutualBank, Š—ȱ —’Š—ŠȬ‹ŠœŽȱꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱ’—œ’ž- tion since 1889. MutualBank has 31 ž••ȬœŽ›Ÿ’ŒŽȱ›ŽŠ’•ȱꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱŒŽ—Ž›œȱ in Allen, Delaware, Elkhart, Grant, Kosciusko, Randolph, St. Joseph and Wabash counties. MutualBank has  ˜ȱ˜ĜŒŽœȱ•˜ŒŠŽȱ’—ȱ ’œ‘Ž›œȱŠ—ȱ Crawfordsville, specializing in wealth management and trust services, Š—ȱŠȱ•˜Š—ȱ˜›’’—Š’˜—ȱ˜ĜŒŽȱ’—ȱ Ž ȱ žěŠ•˜ǰȱ ’Œ‘’Š—ǯȱ žžŠ• Š—”ȱŠ•œ˜ȱ operates a wholly owned subsidiary, Summit Mortgage, which operates out of Fort Wayne. MutualBank provides a full range ˜ȱꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱœŽ›Ÿ’ŒŽœȱ’—Œ•ž’—ȱŒ˜–- mercial and business banking, personal banking, wealth management, trust services, investments and internet banking services. The Company’s stock is traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol “MFSF.” Additional information can be found at: bankwithmutual.com.  MutualBank has been serving communities since 1889.