2016 Vol. 100 No. 5

13 Hoosier Banker May 2016 An advertisement promotes a Rol-Tronic,“the newest, most efficient method of record handling.” The machine was designed to help with bookkeeping functions of posting, filing checks and giving balances. 1958 Fort Wayne National Bank celebrated its 20th anniversary with a cake depicting financial success through the years. Each employee who had been with the bank for 20 years received an extra month’s salary; other staff received similar recognition on a proportionate basis. 1953 Officers of the Camp Followers Association gather for a group photo. Shown are (seated, left to right): Henry J. Frenzel, Merchants National Bank and Trust Company; Indianapolis; Lex B.Wilkinson,American Fletcher National Bank, Indianapolis; and (standing, left to right):Thomas M. Miller, Indiana National Bank, Indianapolis; and Paul E. Jones, Merchants National Bank and Trust Company, Indianapolis. 1957 A fashion show and luncheon were among activities for spouses at the 1954 IBA Annual Convention. 1954 The Annual Winter Agricultural Conference took place in January 1955 at Purdue University. Shown are panelists presenting on the topic of:“Pork Producers Speak.” 1955 The Citizens National Bank of Evansville hosted a women’s finance forum over the course of three Tuesday evenings.Topics included personal financial planning and how women could prepare for service on bank boards of directors. 1956 The main office of the newly designed Owen County State Bank featured a “gracefully sweeping” paneled tellers’ counter. 1959